Thursday, January 21, 2021

The First Known Use Of The Word Journalist Was Recorded In 1693; It Has Gone Downhill From There...

 The dictionary's definition of journalist is as follows: a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast (to a mass audience).

This sounds pretty straight forward. You would think that such a professional would dig for, and report the truth of a story, regardless of where the chips may fall.  But we know that the human tendency is to placate those who can ensure job security, rather than bring the Sword of Damocles chopping their heads off reporting the facts, not fiction.  If one were to buck the system and report only the truth, some would call this journalistic suicide effectively ending a promising career.  There is enormous pressure to stay on the good side of an editor and reflect his (the editor's) views on politics and religion rather than stray from the reservation and cause a tumult in the newsroom...

Whenever there is a Republican majority, whether in the Congress, Senate -- and especially a Republican in the White House -- those who claim the august handle of journalist (truth-seeker?) continually slam and berate the president to the point of slander, reporting outright lies or at least edited quotes to make the president's statement something totally the opposite of what was said or meant in the first place...

Such was the reporting during the entire four years of Donald Trump's presidency.   


We know one reason: liberals hate those who espouse "conservative" views, such as being pro-life, God-fearing, America-loving, etc... It seems that an entire breed of journalists fall into the category of supporting liberalism instead of reporting what is really going on.  That simple statement speaks volumes about the current generation of folks that consider themselves journalists, graduating mostly from very liberal colleges and universities.  This coincides with the state of primary and secondary as well as post-secondary education so prevalent throughout the country.  

I know that some would scoff at the following statement, but it is true nonetheless: It is Catholic Church teaching that Liberalism is a sin.  That's one reason I am personally confounded by the Liberals in politics as well in the ecclesiastical world.  

But I shouldn't be... 

The revolution of Liberalism dates back to the revolution in the Catholic Church starting several decades before the Second Vatican Council.  

Why did Liberalism gain a stranglehold within the church?   There are those who claim that when the dogmatically proclaimed doctrine of no salvation outside the Catholic Church began being compromised, and, in some cases, denied outright, that became the ape of the church, especially here in the U.S.  The rejection of that key dogma of the Church, began, oddly enough, right smack in what was once thought to be the bastion of traditional Catholicism and church teaching: Boston, Massachusetts...

It is also said that as the church goes, so goes society.  This was manifested in the decades following the 1940's, all the way up to Vatican II and forward... Hence, the denial of the key dogma became reflected in secular teaching as well as in previously, staunchly Catholic schools and colleges.

Many secondary schools, colleges and universities are now Catholic in name only, and produce graduates that are confused about what being truly Catholic really means at best, or have lost the faith completely at worst.  

Some of these very same graduates then enter the field of journalism, as, for the most part, lost souls, swallowed-up in the twisted mindset of Liberalism... 

Here are some data gleaned from an article in Investors Business Daily...

Media Bias: Data Don't Lie

"It wasn't always this way. Along-term study of reporters' leanings and attitudes, "The American Journalist in the Digital Age," shows that the drift toward liberalism has been going on for years within journalism. In 1971, Republicans made up 25.7% of all journalists. Democrats were 35.5%, and independents were 32.5%. Some 6.3% of responses were "other."

"By 2014, the year of the last survey, the share of journalists identifying as Republican had shrunk to 7.1%, an 18.6 percentage point drop. From having near-parity with the journalist Republicans in the 1970s, Democrats today outnumber Republicans today by four to one.

"Meanwhile, the share of journalists calling themselves "independent" has surged to 50.2%. In case you think the growing body of Independents qualifies as "the center," think again.

"Repeated surveys  show that independents are usually left-of-center on social issues, but centrist on fiscal issues and many issue of governance. So you should really characterize them as "moderate left."'

(End of excerpt)...

It would be despairing to say that there are few conservative young people in, or planning to enter the field of journalism.  On the contrary, we see new and independent news networks and organizations featuring truth instead of bias in reporting.  For instance, there is OAN (One America News); Brightside, and several others featuring young, God-fearing, freedom-loving folks from all walks of life.  These are the new voices crying in the wilderness...

In these trying times, we must stay focused and keep praying to God almighty for strength, honor and grace to persevere and finish the race, and win the eternal crown!  Nothing else matters...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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