Thursday, January 28, 2021

It's M A G I C!!

 Have you ever seen the magician/illusionist, David Copperfield?  It is said that he could "hide" mountains or make them disappear right before your eyes!   Once, I did see a brief snippet of a video of him doing just that, but I have to admit, I had a beer or two just before he "moved" that mountain -- somewhere!   Sort of reminds me of the adage: if Mohammad can't come to the mountain, then the mountain will come to Mohammad... 

Copperfield is now 64-years-old.  I don't know if he still has the energy to move those mountains around or find a place to hide them!

In any event, whether Copperfield got his ability from Simon Magus, or the devil himself, he has been one of the most successful magicians in history...

I really don't know, and, frankly, I really don't care where he got his "power" to do such things; the point being, is, that as a practicing Catholic, I am not superstitious, nor do I believe in "magic" as it is formally defined in the dictionary:  the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.; legerdemain (trickery; deception); conjuring...

But recently the entire American populace was treated to magic performed right before our eyes, during, and right after, the 2020 presidential election.  And, yes, we were deceived -- at least a good portion of those who voted swallowed the media's narrative that everything was on the up and up; no fraud to see here...

We know that was a lie, and now, we are paying the price for that very successful lie that has placed in the Oval Office, one of the most corrupt malefactors I have ever seen occupy the most powerful office in the land, and the world, for that matter; Biden (and Harris).

If that weren't enough, there has been even more sleight-of-hand, this time "performed" by those sly, treasonous mayors and governors of states that have held their citizens hostage for months on end, through lockdowns and penalties if they dare exercise their God-given rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, all the way from fines to actual imprisonment for trying to make a living and feed their families, or, for the most egregious of "crimes" of not wearing a face-diaper!  It is important to point out that over 90+ percent of those states that have suffered endlessly, are run by tyrannical Democrats.  Who would have known?

Welcome to Amerika...  

Now, the real "magic"...  New York, California, Illinois (Chicago, especially), and several other states, have magically ended their lockdowns right after Biden entered the White House!  


Was the battle against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) an illusion; a sleight-of-hand?  

It has now been admitted by none other than the CDC itself, that the PCR tests are practically worthless.  Yet, that bastion of hypocrisy, "Dr." Fauci, now "recommends" wearing, not one, but two face-diapers!   

We are truly living in a make-believe world, surrounded by inmates running the asylum...

Pray, as always, for strength and honor for what will be coming down the road in short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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