Monday, January 18, 2021

Update On "The Traitors Among Us" (My Article From November, 2018)...

In November of 2018, I wrote: The Traitors Among Us...  In that article, I named names and agencies obviously guilty of treason.  

Today, the number of Benedict Arnolds has dramatically increased to the point of near total despair of having any confidence in our law enforcement or government agencies, and those who run them.  It should be pointed out, that those agencies work for us -- we pay them with our taxes, we don't work for them.  But in the present climate of violence, committed almost exclusively by the hard left and their Democratic supporters, we, the law-abiding, seem to get lumped into the cauldron, forming a witch's brew of demagoguery and censorship denying American citizens our God-given Constitutional rights.

That denial of our rights manifested itself in the recent presidential election, where voter and election fraud was so apparent as to stun the nation, yet those perpetrators of the fraud -- those traitors -- have gotten away with it, or so it seems.  But, as the boomerang returns to its thrower, those who will assume power on January 20, 2021, will eventually find themselves the objects of a peaceful backlash of American patriots of monumental proportions...  

That backlash may take the form of a rout in the 2022 mid-term elections, taking back the House and the Senate.  It may also take the form of massive civil disobedience as our black brothers and sisters struggled to gain their rights during the 1950's and '60's, facing, not only racial epithets, but also high- pressure fire hoses, dogs, brutal cops, lynchings and fire bombings of their residences...  

I mention the trials of our fellow black Americans because today, Monday, January 18, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day will be celebrated all across America as a federal holiday, but much more than that: It will remember a fighter for the rights of his people, who endured unimaginable attacks, all the way up to, and including death by assassination on that dark day: April 4th, 1968.  As an aside, I was in Vietnam when the news of Dr. King's death reached my base... The information of what happened on that dreadful day can be found in my book (available on Amazon): "The Battle For Oscar Six"...

The evidence of electoral, voter, and election fraud was overwhelming, yet those investigators and agencies of the federal and state governments have failed miserably in their duties to ensure the integrity of all elections.  Ignoring the sworn affidavits of hundreds of law-abiding citizens who witnessed the criminal fraud, perpetrated by the Democrats and their supporters, is nothing short of malfeasance of the office they swore, to God almighty, to uphold to the best of their abilities.  It goes beyond that: it is outright treason to their citizens and their country...

And because of this treason, we will have an illegitimate, un-constitutionally elected president who will not have the tools of the moral and Natural Law on his side.  He has demonstrated, over the course of his 47-years in politics, his disdain for the rights of the pre-born, as well as his radical support for homosexuality.  In addition, he has sold out our foreign policies to our enemies for profit to himself and his corrupt family members, making Biden a traitor to his country and his Catholic faith...

But it's not just the Democrat traitors; it is also those so-called Republicans that have betrayed their president and their country with their actions -- as well as their inactions in not supporting truth, honor, and equal justice for their constituents -- and their president!

What is a patriot to do in the coming days, weeks, and months in dealing with a corrupt, illegitimate federal administration?  The answers are five-fold: first, it is important to continue to love our country, and our neighbor.  Second, fight for justice in all things that we can change.  Thirdly, increase -- dramatically -- prayer and, if necessary, sacrifice for our families and our country.  And fourth, never give in to, or compromise, our God-given Constitutional rights regardless of the threats hurled against us.  And finally, read and re-read the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States of America.  With the good Lord on our side, the devil and his minions will run for cover and be defeated in the long run...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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