Friday, November 23, 2018

The Traitors Among Us...

The name of Benedict Arnold is synonymous with treason; betrayal of his former brothers in uniform, and, especially, a traitor to his nascent country.

The heinous acts of Arnold pales in comparison to what we see happening in our country today.  But if one listens to, or watches the mainstream media in all its forms, you would be hard-pressed to know just who are the real traitors to our country.

Of course, the main "contender" for the handle, traitor, is none other than our duly elected president, Trump, at least according to the leftist media.

The real traitors, however, do not reside in the Oval Office of the White House, but in the various houses of government, including the Congress and the Senate, and associated agencies.

A strong charge, I know, but very true, nonetheless...

Here is an incomplete list of names that I consider are traitors to their country.  I would love to see these miscreants indicted and brought before a grand jury and tried for the numerous crimes against the American people, and sent to prison for life...

1. Barack Obama (and many of his cabinet).  Perhaps the most corrupt and racist president that ever occupied the Oval Office, bar none.   Will this poor excuse for a man -- and president -- ever face justice?  I can say this, if  not in this life, then in the next!  At least I can pray for justice to be done...

2.. The present "special counsel," Robert Mueller.  This character's corruption goes back many years, and was directly involved while U.S. Attorney in the Boston, MA area with the murderer, Whitey Bulger.  Several of his FBI agents were corrupt themselves; at least one is now in prison.  But it doesn't stop there.  His tunnel vision completely overlooks the criminal Clintons, yet his current "assignment" is to make some type of (non) existent, bizarre connection between President Trump and the Russians, somehow influencing the 2016 presidential election.  All the while ignoring the real collusion of the filthy Clintons and the sale of much of our uranium to a Russian company.  Most of us also know that many of the Clinton's associates -- who knew of their criminal activities while B. Clinton was governor of Arkansas -- have "committed suicide," most prominently, Vince Foster.   Sure...

3. The Clintons.. as mentioned above, these are true traitors to their country and the American citizens they once represented while B. Clinton was president.   But their corruption is almost endless, and includes the Clinton Foundation, an entity used for money laundering as well as "pay for play" bribes and influence peddling.  Hillary Clinton, herself, should now be incarcerated at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary for mishandling of highly classified information that has apparently compromised and exposed many of our overseas undercover informants leading to their deaths or imprisonment.  Remember Benghazi?   I'm sure that the families of those who were left helpless will never forget.  The former Sec. of State didn't give a damn about those men, including the ambassador himself!  Truly sickening.  The list for this demonic couple is beyond comprehension; will they ever suffer the consequences for their actions?   I think so, but not tomorrow...

4. James Comey; former director of the FBI. Liar!

5. The civil war mongers and those who advocate violence and unrest against their own citizens. Why?  Simply because they (we) are trying to do the right thing as well as uphold some semblance of conserving social norms and the culture of our country as opposed to unrestrained, unbridled promiscuity.  But not only sexual promiscuity, but also intolerance of those who differ with their twisted, ungodly vision of a wide open society, untethered by any moral restraints.

Prominent among these?  Demonrat representative Maxine Waters.  This absolute lunatic should be arrested and charged with inciting to riot, and threatening you and I with harassment, leading, in some cases, to physical assault and battery of families eating their meal at restaurants, or pumping gas into their cars.

6. Deep-state "intelligence" operatives; many still in their positions to do even more harm, all the while undermining the efforts of Mr. Trump, trying to keep America sovereign and prosperous.  These moles are in the current CIA, FBI, NSA, and other agencies, that were appointed, in many cases, during the eight miserable and destructive years of Obama.

7. Those traitors in the Congress and the Senate...And that includes, sadly, far too many Republicans that are supposed to be supporting their president, but are intent on derailing his agenda with specious arguments and obstruction of legislation, such as funding the wall for our southern border.

8.  The MEDIA!  Unless you and I search out alternative sources of news and current events, we will forever be subjected to lies and distortions of whatever truth still exists in the U.S.  The establishment press is the mouth-piece for the hard, radical Left in this country.

9.  The military-industrial complex that sells their collective souls for filthy lucre (money), and survive on the misery and destruction of others...

10. You and I -- IF!  We don't do our part to keep America free and sovereign, according to our talents and state in life. 

And pray to God almighty for strength and direction, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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