Monday, November 5, 2018

To deceive, if possible, even the Elect...

No, I'm NOT talking about the Elect in the Biblical sense; those "predestined" to enter the heavenly beatitude, but those "elect" who still have the use of their common sense in spite of all the leftist propaganda that so permeates the media -- and that includes social media as well!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 6, 2018, is election day for the critical mid-terms that just might decide if Killary -- I mean Hillary -- will, without being elected, give credence that she is the titular head of the American government, from without.  Sound extreme, no, not really, as she STILL thinks she won the 2016 presidential election.  She claims that she won the popular vote that day, but as time revealed, she was the recipient of heavy voter fraud in several key states, and even with her cronies' illegal activities, she lost to Mr. Trump in an electoral landslide.

Add to this nonsense, the Mueller "investigation" into President Trump's supposed "collusion" with the Russians to trip the balance of the vote in the 2016 election to Mr. Trump.  One of the problems with such nonsense, is how some (the "elect"?) are affected by this non-existent garbage to intensify their bias toward our president.  We see this on a daily basis, especially by the likes of the America-hating liberal media outlets spewing lies and malice against Mr.Trump.

If that were the only aspect of this bias and malice, that's one thing, but the outright threats of violence against anyone of the more "conservative" bent -- including the president -- is outright anarchy and nothing short of revolutionary.  In the military, we call it a coup d'etat.

So, are the "elect" really the elect, or are they the weak-minded sheep that are easily led over the cliff by the Judas goat?

We will find out if those "elect" -- establishment, and neo-con Republicrats -- are in the majority, or will the "silent majority" -- the real "elect" -- awaken and continue to take back our country from the deep-statists so hell-bent on making our America another third-world hell-hole.

After Pearl Harbor, Admiral Yamamoto, commander of the Japanese flotilla that hit Pearl, was quoted as saying to his celebrating officers: I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.

Will, we, the true "elect" awaken to what the haters of our sovereign country are trying to accomplish and take action at the ballot box to secure our nation in the face of, and in spite of, the power and wealth being used to prop-up the godless agenda of the radical Left?  And, will we be "filled with a terrible resolve" to secure the social norms of tradition and personal responsibility?

And that includes, first and foremost, the right-to-life of the pre-born!  For without the right-to-life, all other endeavors and rights are meaningless...

Pray for our country and our President..

Gene DeLalla  

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