Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Did you vote last Tuesday, Nov. 6th, in the mid-terms?

If you did, so what?  It seems it really doesn't matter, that is, if those responsible for counting your vote happen to be Demonrat supporters.

Just take a look at Arizona, Florida, Georgia and Kansas...

Important federal senate seats and governorships were at stake, and all were won or nearly won by the Republicrats.  But now, "new" ballots have been "discovered" that have already flipped some of those victories into defeats, and the culture-of-death Demonrats just may tip the balance of power in the U.S. Senate for quite a while.

I can assure all reading this post that the reason for the "flipping" is for power!  Power to control, not only YOU and I, but also for the power to continue the slaughter of the pre-born.  Think I'm being a little too "extreme" here?   Think again...

What is this all about?  Again: power, but not to the people, but against the people!

You see, the new majority of Demonrats in the Congress will control the various committees that determine funding for the agencies and programs of the central government.  Included in that, is the funding for Murder, Inc., aka: planned parenthood.

Also, keep in mind that the overall agenda is to keep abortion available and nearly free to those females that feel that their pregnancy is just a little too "inconvenient," and might interfere with their "freedom."   In reality, that "freedom" is nothing but slavery, plain and simple...

Abortion is the "sacrament" of the Demonrats, and their religion is "choice."  They offer those little developing babies on the altar of the demon to appease -- at least for now -- his insatiable appetite for flesh and blood -- and for the unbaptized souls of the little ones so they cannot see God in the face.

So much for the "parents" of these poor, tiny baby girls and boys...

As I said, the demonic appeasement is only temporary, for those who have made a deal with the devil, the time of reckoning will eventually come, and the eternal price will be paid.

God will not be mocked.

We must pray, not only for the pre-born, but also that the agenda of these culture-of-death miscreants is defeated at all levels, post-haste.

I ask all of good will to pray for our country and pray too for a change of heart and conversion of those who think they have the "right" to kill their developing offspring.

Gene DeLalla 

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