Friday, November 9, 2018

Show me perfection!

Show me perfection, and I'll show you the only two who are perfect: Christ and His own most Blessed Mother!

Are -- not were -- because they are ALIVE as I write this, that is, if you believe that there is a heaven where they reside along with the angels and saints of old.

Other than those TWO, we poor sinners must strive to be perfect as "My Father in heaven is perfect."

The personal battle to be perfect isn't easy, is it?

But there is another battle going on, another war, this time it has little to do with invading another sovereign nation in order to change the current regime running a particular country, and imposing our version of what we consider to be democracy.  No, this time the war is for the soul of America (as Pat Buchanan recently commented in his right-on-article).

As in other wars, and other battles, there are heroes and there are traitors.  What we see happening in our beloved country are very explicit examples of both.  On the one hand, we have an "outsider" president attempting to keep our nation sovereign -- I cannot over emphasize the importance of being sovereign; that is not just another catch-phrase, but may well determine the very survival of America!  On the other hand we have traitors trying to undermine Mr. Trump's efforts to "make America great again".  But these traitors are not wearing military uniforms, or delivering top secret information to foreign spies, no, some of these traitors wear three-piece suits, while others wear skirts or dresses, and ply their hideous trade in the Congress and the Senate of the United States of America.

These miscreants are not only traitors to their country, but also, in many respects, traitors to their faith and the office they were sworn to keep pure and undefiled.  It seems, however, that taking the oath of office on the Bible means little, if anything.  So much for: So Help Me God...

Now, with the House of Representatives in the hands of the "enemy," the war for the soul of America comes to the forefront for all to see.  It is now apparent just who the enemy is and what their goal is.  Prior to the election on November 6, we could only listen or read what these traitors wanted to accomplish, but now they can put those demonic plans into action whether by intimidation, or actual threats of violence.

"What the Trump-establishment war is about is the soul of America, a war in which a compromise on principle can be seen as a betrayal" (Pat Buchanan). 

Let's see if Mr. Trump is for real, or will he succumb to the deep-statists and fall into the trap of "compromise" or "bipartisanship," a dead-end street that will only strengthen their position and embolden them to even loftier heights of treason regardless of the effects on their own constituents, and consequently, on America.

Pray for strength and discernment at this crucial time in our nation's history, and pray for our president, and our country.

Gene DeLalla

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