Thursday, November 1, 2018

Death and mayhem in Chicago continues unabated!

Horrible death and mayhem in the city of Chicago continues unabated.

The following information is from a article with statistics provided by the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times...

Here are the up-to-date statistics:

Since the beginning of the year, 2,530 people have been shot in Chicago, according to the shooting and homicide data maintained by the Chicago Tribune

Further data, collected by the Chicago Sun-Times, shows there have been 469 homicides in Chicago so far this year -- 408 of those deaths resulted from shootings. Another 30 homicides were caused by stabbing and another 31 deaths were caused by "another type" of violence. 
Despite these crimes, a new YouGov poll shows that nearly half (45%) of Chicagoans say gun violence is "not a problem." Fifty-one percent say it is "a problem."  [The brainwashed liberals cannot see the forest for the trees!!]
For the 408 shooting deaths so far this year, 340 of the victims were black, 19 were white, and 46 were Hispanic, according to the Sun-Times
For the 30 stabbing deaths, 20 of the victims were black, 4 were white, and 6 were Hispanic. 
In the other 31-- "another type of" -- homicides, 16 of the victims were black, 5 were white and 8 were Hispanic.
For the 340 blacks that were killed in a shooting, 312 of the victims were men
Overall, for the shooting deaths in Chicago this year, 83.3% of the victims were black. Among the stabbing victims 66.6% were black.  Among the other types of homicide, 51.6% of the victims were black. 

End of information from the article...

How much longer will this be allowed to continue??   
If the civil authorities are unable or unwilling to stem this terrible tide, then the feds should send in the troops to "search and destroy" the bad guys, or at least get them off the streets and throw them into prison for life.  
Why is this happening in the first place?  The answer is almost too simple: The breakdown of the family unit; the rejection of the Natural Law, and ultimately, the rejection of God Almighty.  When people fall into this diabolical trap, they become as the animals in the jungle where survival of the fittest becomes the supreme law of the land.

Stay tuned for further updates on this ongoing disaster...

And always pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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