Thursday, November 15, 2018

Selective "free speech"...

Have you ever heard of selective enforcement?  A good example would go something like this: you are travelling at 68 MPH, in the 65 zone down the interstate, and a guy passes you at 85 MPH.  Out of the corner of your eye, you see a state trooper car sitting in the middle of the highway-break just waiting for that guy doing 85 MPH, right?

Guess what; the guy doing 85 MPH just flew by the statie, but as you go by, lights appear in your rear-view.  You think he's gonna go after the 85er, but no, he pulls you over instead.

What the heck????

Yep, it can happen and it did happen to me while travelling through Maryland in the wee hours of the morning many years ago.  This is called "selective enforcement."  Is it legal?  I don't know, but it is done...

Okay, now I'll get to the title of this short article: selective "free speech"...

Just what is "selective free speech" anyway?  Well, you may not recognize it at first, but we see it on a daily basis emanating, mostly, from the mainstream media.  If those networks and "journalists" don't like what you or I have to say, or if it contradicts their narrative of a certain event or story, then your "free speech" isn't really free anymore, that is, if they shut you down or cut off access to certain platforms, whether on the Internet, or elsewhere.

This selectivity is thrust upon those who's views are more "conservative" than their colleague's quite liberal slant.

A prime example is CNN...

But you can add MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, and many more, you get the picture...

In fact, if there is a story or narrative that specifically sheds a negative light on their agenda, chances are very "good" that you'll never hear of it on those "news" outlets.

Also, take the Internet: those in charge of the "big ones," such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., are notorious for squelching what they consider "hate speech," but in reality, is nothing but the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (as you would swear to when placing your hand on the Bible in a court of law…).

The number of "alternative" sources of news are numerous, but they are also targets for those enablers of "selective free speech."  In the overall scheme of things, this is very dangerous, because to stifle free speech, is one of the avenues that leads to dictatorship, and, yes, even anarchy.  Take a look at the history of Germany, Russia, and the current Saudi Arabia, just to name a few...

As a practicing Catholic, I also know that "free speech" has its limits as far as preaching error is concerned, -- the opposite of truth.  So, in America, the free speech that we so cherish, can, and does exceed what should be allowed into the public sphere.  Take for example, the statue of Satan, in Oklahoma (right smack in the middle of the "Bible Belt") with little children at his feet, looking up at him as if he were their father, or worse.  Should that "free speech" be allowed?  I don't think so, but that's the price we pay in this country for secularism, as opposed to basing our free speech on Biblical principles, the Ten Commandments, etc.

Ah!  But remember that old "separation of church and state" mantra that the humanists claim is in the Constitution?  Fortunately, it is nowhere in our founding document, yet always used as a threat with lawsuits to back up their arrogance -- and their "ignorance" of the real law.  All too often those on the "right," give in way too easily to their threats.

Unfortunately, we see this, not only in the secular realm of society, but also in the spiritual realm, namely in the Church, where telling the truth seems to engender epithets of "judgmentalism," or worse, coming from an unexpected source: the hierarchy.  I guess that the evil one has found a sacred place to ply his evil trade...

So be it...

It is said that grace builds upon nature, but it is also true that evil will gladly fill the void of where good should reside, but doesn't.

I wonder if anyone reading this article has ever been the object of "selective free speech"?  If so, let me know.  And while you're at it, pray for our country that it returns to the true source of our "free speech": God almighty.

Gene DeLalla


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