Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The EVIL have taken the House...

Make no mistake, the pre-born will suffer more horrible, painful deaths at the hands of the intellectually possessed Demonrats under the "leadership" of that "devout" "Catholic", Nancy Pelosi and her ilk.

This is no exaggeration: I truly believe that Satan has taken possession of her (Pelosi's) intellect -- not her will -- but in so doing, she can no longer make rational, God-given common sense decisions that affect the lives of the pre-born.  This radical pro-culture-of-death monster -- along with other Demonrat "Catholics" -- will now be in charge of powerful committees that determine funding for the likes of Murder, Inc., aka: planned parenthood.

And to those fallen-away Catholics that say "no one will tell me what to do with my body," beware: your body is NOT yours to do with as you wish; it is supposed to be the temple of the Holy Ghost.  That is Church teaching, period!

Further, if you think that you can poison your body with contraceptive drugs to keep you "safe" from getting pregnant, whether married or not, you place, not only your body at risk, but much more importantly, your immortal soul, that is, if you still believe you have one.

Your culpability is not completely your own, however, but also falls on the shoulders of the weak-kneed clergy that has lost the sense of the primary mission of the Church in the first place: the  SALVATION OF SOULS!

But we can all see the results of such weakness in the form of those "Catholic" politicians that have sold their souls for power and position in this life, and to hell with the consequences that they will face in the next.

There is hope, though, not in the form of more politicians who may be pro-life, although that will help in the short term, but only in the One that we must know and worship in this life in order to be happy with Him in the next.  And that means doing His will, not ours.

I implore all those Catholics out there in cyberspace to rethink where your life is headed: take that well-lit, four lane highway to hell, or the straight and very narrow road that leads to the beatific vision.  The choice is always yours: you have God-given free-will that even He will not interfere with!  He will not force you to come to Him, but wants you to voluntarily invite Him into your heart and soul...

If you are one of those fallen-away; come back!  And soon!! If you are a practicing Catholic, then keep the faith, all is not lost, we have our Lord's word on that: the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church!

Pray for the conversion of those immersed in the culture of death that they may return as the Prodigal Son returned to his father -- AND WAS FORGIVEN!

And pray, too, for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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