Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Follow-up to: What really happened on "9/11'"

Follow-up to: What really happened on 9/11 (

This article will examine why "9/11" happened, but also why "conspiracies" happen in the first place.  I will attempt to connect the threads that have led up to, and continue, to this very day, the reasons for our current, dire situation with respect to wars and rumors of wars -- both foreign and domestic, as well as civil unrest that seems to be in the "news" on an almost daily basis.

I think that we would all agree that there is an uneasiness that exists just below the façade of our daily lives; we're not sure just what will happen when we wake up in the morning, and go to work or school.  We read and hear of shootings here and there, as well as malice and actual hate directed at our president, and there seems to be a lack of authentic tolerance to those who differ with one ideology over another.  There should be a civil discourse among opposing sides, if you will, but there is little if any...

We hear of massive tragic events, such as the ongoing wildfires that have plagued and destroyed so many lives and homes in California (where I lived for over 10 years, back in the mid-70's to the mid-and late-80's).  Regardless of our political differences with our fellow citizens in the "golden state," this is a time when we must all pull together to alleviate the pain and suffering of those now homeless, even if "only" by praying for them and offering whatever other assistance we are able to do according to our personal circumstances.

The reason why I'm mentioning some of the horrendous natural events plaguing our nation, as well as our involvement in far too many wars and occupations of foreign, sovereign countries, and the many "conspiracies" -- including; as the title suggests -- the "9/11" disaster, is to show that we get what we deserve.  In other words, when mankind (mankind: the human race -- men and women) turns its collective backs on the very One that made us, we then open ourselves up to evil.  Remember, where there is an absence of good, the demon delights in filling that gap with his powerful and, in many cases, uncontested evil.

From the beginnings of our first parents: Adam and Eve, the temptation was presented to Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.  Eve fell for the trick, and Adam easily went along with the deception -- to please his wife?  In any event, the demon told the first family that they would be like God if only they took a bite.  She did; he did, and now you see the mess we're in.  It is called Original Sin.

There is very little difference today: mankind is making tremendous -- but dangerous -- inroads into human cloning; using aborted baby parts for animal experiments; power; greed; control of others, and finally: money (as I always say: follow the money trail).  The ultimate goal, I believe, is to be like God: to make man his own god; to save himself without the need for God, that is, if he believes in an afterlife at all??

In our present day, we heard former president George H.W. Bush give a speech imploring his audience to help establish a "new world order": that is word for word.  A NEW WORLD ORDER!   These brazen elites didn't even try to hide their devilish agenda; it was in your face, like it or not.

But something happened: there was and is resistance to their diabolical plan.  So now we come to the "new Pearl Harbor."  That's correct, that's what the globalists said they needed in order to curb our liberties for the sake of "security," but of course, they didn't come right out and say this.  Indeed, it was planned long before the "9/11" debacle; long before!

And, in a most ironic and coincidental turn of events (or is it?), as in Pearl Harbor -- which led us into World War II -- there were about 2,900 people killed.  When the Twin Towers were "attacked," there were almost the exact same number of people in and around the building.  But!  On a regular work day, there should have been up to 50,000 people in those buildings.  Let me repeat that: 50,000!

Doing a little research, I read that the reason that not all the 50,000 people were in the building for work was because of the time element.  I guess many would have started their work day much later than the usual 8, 9, or 10 a.m. time frame. I don't quite buy that, but, okay, so let's cut that number in half: say 25,000 folks.  But there were only about 2,900.

Could anyone imagine the catastrophe if "only" 25,000 of the 50,000 possible people that could, or should have been in those buildings, lost their lives??  

Why so few workers in the buildings?

The question begs: did someone -- perhaps many? -- know that something was going to happen and were told to stay home, or?

Now we get to the "meat and potatoes" of the "event"...

There are several areas of the country that have strict regulations regarding the use of the air space by private planes as well as airliners over their cities. In other words, some airspace is highly restrictive, as in Washington, D.C.; the Pentagon; the CIA in Langley, Va., and, yes, New York City, along with other sections of the country.

To give you an example, in 2010 (or 2011) there was an incident of a jet liner that took off from D.C. and was heading to Denver, CO.  Somewhere along the way, communications were lost with the jet; air traffic control saw them on radar, but did not have radio comms with the plane.   The controllers followed established procedure and quickly reported up the chain of command; they in turn contacted the Air Force responsible for having security for that area of Denver.  Almost immediately, two F-16 jet fighters with air-to-air missiles were scrambled and sent up to intercept the jet; comms were re-established, and they escorted the plane all the way until it landed at the Denver airport.  The thing to remember is that those jet fighters made it up to the airliner in a matter of minutes, with a fighter on each wing of the passenger jet.

I ask this simple question: where were the alert jet fighters on "9/11"?

Over D.C.?  Over the Pentagon?  Over New York City?

I once saw an interview with a female, supposed former, fighter pilot that was on duty with the Air National Guard during "9/11".  As I listened to the answers of the questions the interviewer was asking, I said to myself: she's a phony.  If this nice lady was telling the truth, I'm Davey Crockett!

I'm not Davey Crockett...

One of the giveaways, was her description of what armaments she had on her jet: bullets.  That's right, it had "bullets," and no armed missiles!  All alert fighters have armed missiles as well as 20mm Vulcan cannons!  In all my days, I have never heard a fighter pilot refer to the cannons on the jet as "bullets."  Further, she never used the word armaments either.  Her explanation confirmed, in my mind, that she was a very bad actress.

So, where were the real alert fighters??

First, it is important to know that there is a military organization known by the acronym: NORAD.  This stands for the North American Aerospace Defense Command, jointly run by the Canadian and American military, now located at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, with an alternate facility in Cheyenne Mountain.  The job of NORAD is to provide early warning as well as protection to a vast area of the U.S., Canada, and beyond.

On "9/11", the errant jets were seen and reported up the chain by the on-duty officials at NORAD, then to the civilian authorities; at that point, it is up to those very same civilian authorities to give the go ahead to intercept the airliners, or whatever they were.

That didn't happen.

And the result: "9/11"...

If you listen to the very words of the designer of the Twin Towers, he says that the buildings were designed to withstand multiple jet hits.  Let me repeat that: he said the buildings were designed to withstand multiple jet hits.  In other words, more than one jet would be needed to cripple the buildings; but not, necessarily, bring them down.  

This is extremely important to keep in mind...

The structure of the Twin Towers were built incredibly strong, with core, steel beams that most seem to forget, as if they didn't exist, formed the "foundation" upon which the outer shell was constructed.   In fact, buildings in New York City must be designed to be twice as strong as similar buildings designed to withstand an earthquake in Los Angeles.

Plus, the idea that fire weakened or melted some of the steel girders is beyond ridiculous.  A simple check of data will show that to be impossible.  Most of the fuel from whatever hit the towers burned up upon impact; the resulting fires within the buildings consisted of furniture, papers, and other materials, etc.

I think all are familiar with another iconic building in New York City: the Empire State Building.  This massive skyscraper was built in the early 1930s, and was the tallest building in the world, and now the fourth tallest in the country.

In July, 1945, a Mitchell, B-25 bomber crashed into the Empire State building between the 78th and 80th floors, killing a total of 14 people, including 3 on the bomber.  The resulting fire was extinguished within 40 minutes; there was no severe structural damage, and despite the damage and loss of life, the building was open for business on many floors on the following Monday.  

In fact, no skyscraper anywhere in the world has ever -- ever -- collapsed due to fire, as those who claim the Twin Towers did -- because of a fire that supposedly melted, or weakened the steel core beams!  

Many articles and books have been written on this tragedy, but anyone who contradicts the official government report on exactly what happened, is immediately labeled a conspiracy nutcase.  I have heard the so-called talking heads on radio mock or cut-off any caller that dares to challenge, or call into question how the buildings actually came down, or, even more importantly, who was ultimately responsible for the "attacks".

There was also another skyscraper that was taken down that terrible day: WTC-7; a 47-story building that was not hit by any plane, nor did it suffer massive fires that might have helped in bringing that facility down.  Again, it is important to note that no skyscraper anywhere in the world has ever collapsed due to fire!  There was no one in that building; the individual that owned the Twin Towers and WTC-7, is  heard in a video to "pull it" -- that means to bring it down.  As anyone who saw 7 come down, it did so just as professional demolition teams bring down buildings.  Check out videos on the cable TV,  or YouTube, and see for yourself.


Has anyone heard of building 6?  Take a look at the photos on the Internet or publications, and see that the "guts" of the building are gone; missing.  I can't explain it, neither can the "official" government reports explain it...

Let's look at the "attack" on the Pentagon...

Again, the official government report tells us that a jet airliner hit the Pentagon.

There is not a shred of evidence that any jet airliner hit the Pentagon.  None!

What hit the Pentagon was a missile of some sort.  If you look at the hole in the side of the building, you'll see a "tiny" hole, not a massive collapse of an entire section of the building.  In fact, after the "jet airliner" (as the media and government wants you to believe) hit the Pentagon, there was a photo taken of the hole and the burning interior, you'll see that the wall above the hole is intact, with windows unbroken.  After a while, a small section of the wall did, in fact, collapse.  It just so happens that the area that was destroyed was storing hard evidence of financial mismanagement involving several government agencies.  Keeping in mind that we're talking about a huge sum of money that could be as large as several trillion dollars.  That's trillion with a "T"!

Why is this important to note?   Because people have been taken out for a lot less, whether in gangland "hits," or corporate "hits".  Follow the money trail... As President Eisenhower warned of the connection between the military-industrial complex and the sales of arms to our "allies" that now reaches into the hundreds of billions of dollars every year.  Every year!

In effect, we Americans are at least partly responsible for the death and mayhem in far too many countries around the world, with displacement of literally millions of people from their homelands attempting to escape the carnage that comes with unending wars.  Take a look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, another almost endless list.  And we cannot forget the 65-plus million babies killed since the 1973 horrid "supreme court" decision that allows a women to exterminate her developing baby in her womb through the horrendous procedure known as abortion.

As it should be apparent to any thinking adult, what we are seeing are the ungodly powers attempting to take control of all aspects of our lives for their own diabolical purposes.

Another conspiracy?  No, just an ongoing "conspiracy" of an elite group of individuals that care little for their fellow neighbors.  They reject, almost totally, the reign of God, in favor of their god: themselves; with power, control, and influence being their "sacraments".

This article barely skims the surface of what actually occurred on "9/11"...

It was Ben Franklin who quipped that if we are willing to give up our liberties for security, we deserve neither.

We get what we deserve, don't we?

God Almighty: help us -- and forgive us..

Gene DeLalla

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