Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What really happened on "9/11"?

I can hear -- or see -- it now: here we go again, another conspiracy theory; a "non-believer"...

A non-believer in the official government report on what happened in New York City and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001?

I admit it; I don't believe it.

Before I get into why I don't believe the "official" government report, let me just lay out a couple of facts that stick out like a sore thumb regarding the initial release of that report.

Remember Building 7?   How about Building 6?

Why wasn't 7 or 6 even mentioned in the initial, "official" government report?  After all, WTC 7 was a 47-story skyscraper, taller than many other buildings in major cities across the U.S.  And it wasn't even mentioned???

WTC 6 is another story altogether.  Have you ever seen a photo of 6?  The interior guts of the building are gone; disappeared!  How did that happen?

But let's get back to WTC 7...

There are many videos of 7 coming down.  So let's take a look at that video...

As can be seen, 7 comes crumbling down just as the demolition videos I used to watch on one of those cable channels.  The company responsible for bringing down an old or obsolete building would explain just how they would do it, then proceeded to bring it down with as little collateral damage as possible to nearby structures.

That's EXACTLY how WTC 7 came down; in its own footprint.  This is important, because that's how a demolition company would do it, plain and simple.  Keep in mind, that if a 47 story skyscraper fell on its side or slanted, so to speak, it would cause unbelievable collateral damage!

Seven was not hit by anything, and the fires that burned in some parts of the building were quite small; not hot enough to melt the steel superstructure that the rest of the building was built around.

The damage to building WTC 6 is quite unusual, as I mentioned earlier, and has never been explained.

If these data are not enough to get someone to doubt the government's report, then here are some other things to consider...

First, I was in the Strategic Air Command from October of 1965, to November of 1967.  During that time I witnessed many "alerts," by that I mean, I was directly involved in those alerts because I was responsible for guarding and protecting the B-52 bombers, and the KC-135 refueling tankers that would refuel those bombers in mid-air, if they were launched due to a real threat of nuclear attack from our then-main adversary in the "cold war," Russia.  During my time in SAC, there were many times that the bombers and tankers went airborne; we didn't know if it was the real thing, or just an exercise.  As the world now knows, they were all exercises.  Otherwise, I -- or you -- wouldn't be here!

How would we know in SAC, if there was an attack heading our way?  The North American Air Defense Command, better known by the acronym: NORAD.

NORAD was jointly run by us and the Canadians, and was the eyes and ears of SAC.

If NORAD saw everything that was launched across the globe, they also saw the aircrafts go off course and eventually hit the towers.  They reported up the chain of command, then to the civilian authorities.  (In the U.S., the civilian authorities have control over the military, not the other way around.)   To shorten this article, I'll just give a quick sequence of events from this point on...

If fighters were scrambled to take out the aircraft that were heading to the Twin Towers, or the Pentagon, they were directed elsewhere.  As history shows, either they did not do their job, or were told to "stand down."

Fighter jets are stationed on alert at various points around the country.  One of the main areas that has highly restricted air space is in the D.C. and Pentagon regions.  

The "aircraft" that hit the Pentagon wasn't intercepted either.  How come?  It seems the "jet" that went into that building made almost impossible maneuvers, as some experienced airline pilots have reported.

There are many other "anomalies" that surround this tragic event that make me call into question the entire scenario and the official report.

The curtailment of our freedoms and liberties had already been planned -- before the Twin Towers came down, and the Pentagon hit.  But that is a topic of discussion for another time...

In conclusion, I would like to relate an incident that took place around 2010, or 2011 regarding a commercial airliner that went off course, flying from D.C. to Denver.  As soon as this aircraft diverted from its scheduled route, and communications had been temporarily lost, two F-16 fighter jets were scrambled and sent up to "escort" the airliner until it landed at Denver.  The point here is that those jet fighters appeared on each wing of the commercial jet in less than five minutes.  Yet in 2001, no jets intercepted the rogue aircraft that hit the towers or the Pentagon.

Pray for our country, and pray for peace.

Gene DeLalla

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