Monday, September 24, 2018

The sickening kangaroo court of Judge Kavanaugh.

For those who watch the "6 o'clock news," or read what passes for a "newspaper" these days, I'm sure the view of Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, must go something like this: how can the president of the U.S. nominate a despicable, low-life abuser of innocent, young women?  And further, we can't have such an abominable character sitting on the court for ten, twenty, thirty years or more, handing down rulings that will affect the-almost "sacred" "right" of a woman to destroy the developing child in her womb.  (But it is unclear that Judge Kavanaugh, if he is finally confirmed to the court, would consistently rule in favor of life, over the death sentence usually handed down against the pre-born.)

This is not the first time such a spectacle of accusations and perjured testimony against an eminent, and an immensely qualified federal judge had to endure before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

For those old enough to remember, go back in the early 90's, and you'll find Clarence Thomas, and before him, Judge Bork, also victims of the kangaroo court of public opinion. 

If just a cursory search is made, one can see the trials and near-persecution that those two men went through, again, enduring perjured testimony as well as character smearing beyond anything I have ever seen until now, reaching new lows with Mr. Kavanaugh as the latest victim. 

Has Judge Kavanaugh had enough; will he give up?  

Judge Bork gave up.  But Clarence Thomas was eventually confirmed, and now sits on the Supreme Court. As an aside, Judge Thomas is a practicing Catholic.  And I wonder if being a Catholic was one of the reasons he suffered through the sickening inquisition by the liberals on the committee?  Of course, that's a rhetorical question.  

I would like to recount another -- illegal -- grilling of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.  She was one of those on the "short-list" of President Trump to fill the vacancy left by Justice Scalia. 

When questioned before the Judiciary Committee, the ultra-liberal Sens. Feinstein and Sanders, raised the possibility that her Catholic faith would influence her decisions if confirmed to the court.  Those inquiries were, and are un-Constitutional, as there is to be no litmus test for public office.  And yet, Judge Barrett let those characters get away without challenging them that her rights were being violated under that same Constitution.  Sad. 

Judge Barrett and her husband have seven children, apparently upholding the Church's teaching on marriage, avoiding contraception, and allowing the marital act to be open to life.  Yet, she wrote this: “Judges cannot-nor should they try to-align our legal system with the Church's moral teaching whenever the two diverge.”

Excuse me?  If that's the case, then it's the legal system that is corrupt, and MUST align to the Church's moral teaching, not the other way around!

If she considers herself a practicing Catholic, then how in the world can she believe that the Church's moral teaching has to be discarded in favor of, what?  What is "legal," over what is moral?  And if the Natural Law dictates that the killing of the pre-born is immoral and illegal, then how could she ignore those facts?

Do you see the problem here?  Why are Catholics in the public sphere so afraid to stand up for what the Church teaches?  Why are they so weak -- or is it ambition -- that justifies casting aside their precious faith in order to achieve power or position in this life? 

Is this problematic, present-day attitude to be laid at the feet of the Church herself?  Is the compromising of the perennial teachings of the Deposit of Faith, Scripture and Tradition, as handed down from Christ and the Apostles themselves, due to the "spirit of the age" influencing the decisions and actions of an already weakened hierarchy?

I contend that the problem is that this attitude, this weakness, not only reverberates throughout the Church, but also throughout society as well.  You can't separate what is happening in the Church from what is happening in the world at large.  The Church was once looked upon as a moral beacon, by Catholics and non-Catholics alike, but is this still the case?

I ask anyone of good will to pray for our country, but also pray for the Catholic Church.  

Gene DeLalla


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