Wednesday, September 5, 2018

We get what we deserve...

Or said in another way: we reap what we sow.

We all have free-will, so if calamities befall us, who do we have to blame but ourselves?

If our actions, or inactions (omissions) have consequences, then we must accept responsibility for those very same actions or decisions we make.  It is futile to point our fingers at someone else for what we have done.  I realize, though, it is only "normal" to shift blame away from ourselves.

What is the point here?

Look around us and see what is happening in society, not only in this country, but in the world in  general.  In all my 71 years on this earth, I can't remember a more unsettling, anxious time, save for my time in Vietnam.

Things have pretty much gone downhill from there.

Not to sound pessimistic, but reality has to be faced.

We cannot, as a society, or even as individuals, be amoral; we cannot sit on the fence, so to speak, we have to choose sides, right or wrong, and go with it.

If a decision turns out to be a disaster, then we can right that wrong, and make good any damage that was done, or at least try...

One of the major problems or causes for the ills in our personal lives, as well as in the country as a whole, is the almost complete dependence on ourselves to get things done, instead of submitting our wills to God.  When we shut out the good, we, sometimes unwittingly, invite evil to fill the gap.

And when the court system overlooks, or outright rejects the Natural Law in favor of some twisted sense of what individual "rights" are, then the killing of the pre-born is accepted (and "legal"!).  Or take another horrible example, that of sodomite "marriage."  These are some of the rotten fruits of a Godless society when mankind decides to act on his own and kicks God out of the public sphere.

If nothing else, we adults must consider the enormous scandal to impressionable children and adolescents when we -- again, as a society -- expose them to what is now considered as normal and accepted.  How will they grow up to make the mandatory, righteous decisions, decisions that will affect their own eventual families, and the world they will be confronted with?  Who, or what will they lean on to make those decisions if mankind is now considered his own little god?

Will we let the snowball continue to roll downhill, and grow into an unstoppable avalanche, smashing and devouring everything in its path?

Isn't it our responsibility to reverse this disastrous course as soon as humanly -- and divinely -- possible, not only for our own sakes, but for our offspring and the future of our country as well?

As I always say, pray for our country, and pray too for the proper discernment to recognize our dependence for every breath we take, not on ourselves, but on our Creator.

Remember, we get what we deserve...
Gene DeLalla   


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