Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Why the gutless Republicrats?

As a true conservative -- not a neo-con -- I am totally disgusted with the Republicrat elites in the House and Senate of the U.S. of A.

Very few have the testosterone to stand up to the Demonrats.


Well, if you want to know the REAL answer, here it is: there is NO difference between the Demonrats and the Republicrats, that's why.

The elites of both parties have sold their souls to the devil for position and power, and will do everything in their power to stop a popular president elected in an electoral landslide from fulfilling an agenda that swept him into the White House in the first place.

If you think I'm exaggerating, think again. Those very same elites: read, globalists, are hell-bent on building a wall -- but not a border wall! -- to ensnare and entangle President Trump, and keep him from keeping his promises made during the campaign of 2016.

Sure, he has done wonders so far, but unless and until he takes extraordinary measures to ensure he can truly continue to represent the American people, he will be doomed to failure.  There is little if any help from those higher-ups in his own party.

In fact, I'll so far as to say Mr. Trump is completely surrounded by his enemies -- they are our enemies as well! -- and wear the Republicrat hat.

Just take a quick look at the newest spending bill (another "continuing resolution") to keep the government open until late December; it fully funds Murder, Inc. (AKA: "planned parenthood").  Not only that, but it allows for continued "research" on the tissue of aborted babies!  Remember, the selling of aborted baby parts is a federal crime, and yet, there is more funding?

The new C.R. also keeps and expands more illegal aliens and their "families" to come into our country for cheap labor, that's being pushed by outgoing Speaker of the House, Ryan, and others, such as the Chamber of Commerce and the Koch brothers.

Bad company all...

The "deep state" is truly at the bottom of this mess.  They want to see Mr. Trump fail and fall flat on his face.

All these punks are a great argument for term limits for all congressmen and senators, as well as federal judges.  I say again, TERM LIMITS FOR ALL!

Is there hope?  Yes, of course.  How do I know -- or hope -- because God will not be mocked.  Those who hate their brothers, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Am I being judgmental?  Absolutely.  I judge those haters with malice of forethought for their fellow man/woman/child.  Our Creator will only put up with so much, then He will take vengeance.  It will be interesting to see the reaction when He comes -- if it's in our lifetimes.  I bet some will be scared to death -- literally!  And rightly so.  Some will repent, others will scream their hate for the One who sacrificed so much to save us, yet they (we?) kick Him in the face over and over again.

Why, you might ask, am I using "religion" when I discuss politics?  Because one of the reasons for the mess we're in, is the so-called "separation of church and state," that's why.  When God is kicked out of the public sphere, it opens the door to evil, and that evil is firmly entrenched in far too many of our representatives who make "laws" allowing the continued killing of the pre-born legal, as well as so many other abominations it would take a book to fill...

In conclusion, I would ask -- as I always do -- to pray for our country; our president, and especially for the end to abortion; please!

Gene DeLalla

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