Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Man for all Seasons...

Has anyone seen the movie: A Man For All Seasons?  If not, you should.  It's a real classic!

The actors and actresses are first class; the names aren't important, but the story is.  It chronicles the life and trials of Thomas More.  Does that name sound familiar?  If not, it should.  Thomas More was an English lawyer, and, eventually appointed Chancellor of England, second highest office in all of England, by King Henry VIII.

Briefly, Thomas More was a practicing Catholic and loyal to the Roman Pontiff (the Pope).  When Henry VIII wanted More's support for his proposed annulment to his current wife in order to marry another, More refused that support -- by his silence on the matter.

There is a scene in the movie where the archbishop and all his entourage enter a hall, and wait to hear the "offer" presented by the King's messenger.  It was truly an offer that couldn't be refused!  Basically, the King offered these Catholic hierarchs 100,000 Pounds to support and recognize Henry as the supreme head of the Church in England, and swear allegiance to him, instead of the Pope as head of all the churches in Christendom, including England.

(I figure that 100,000 Pounds in the early 1500's, would amount to tens-of-millions of Pounds in today's money.)

The hierarchs agreed, and accepted the bribe.  At that moment, they apostatized from the Catholic faith, and became Protestants.   How easy it was to sell their souls for filthy lucre's sake!  This also indicates to me that these former "Catholics" were mere political animals, rather than ardent evangelizers for the faith.  But who am I to judge?

However, I'll let history speak for itself...

And that's what this short article is all about.

For those Protestants (and Catholics?) who don't know, England was once known as "Our Lady's Dowry."  But no more.  (Our Lady, referring to the Blessed Virgin Mary (the Mother of Christ.))

Ever since that massive apostacy, England has gone off the deep end.  This is not my opinion, but rather facts that can easily be verified by simply reading the current, or past events, and news that emanates from that island nation.

It is said, that when someone rejects God, He will absolutely send the operation of error to invade their intellect.  This "invasion" can lead to politicians passing bizarre laws and regulations supporting some of the most perverse social and sexual mandates upon young and old alike.

Recently documented, were the struggles of babies and toddlers practically imprisoned in hospitals seeking treatment for unusual or difficult ailments or diseases.  The hospitals in question, refused to let the parents take their children out of their facility and bring them to others that claimed they could help.  In other words, the state superseded the rights of the parents, and kept those children until they died!

But this is only one example; there are so many others, including, but not limited to, condemning any criticism of the homosexual agenda, or the Muslim "religion."

Freedom of speech is just about dead in England.

Here is another example of the perverse... England has the equivalent of our Girl Scouts; recently, several scout masters were relived of their duties because they objected to their charges being forced to share bedrooms, showers and bathrooms with those who claim to be "girls," but in reality are males.  These despicable "transgenders" have the support of weak-kneed politicians, and politically correct special interest groups that are destroying any sense of social norms, flushing the Natural Law down the rabbit hole of history.

Can these events happen here?

Another rhetorical question, as it is already happening here, make no mistake. The evidence is legion.

This is what happens when we refuse to serve our God, our Creator, our Master, and we want to become our own god.  This is a universal fact, not just in "merry old England," but all over the world, among most peoples.  There is a remedy: it is simple, yet complex -- to some -- we must return to our roots, our traditions, the Natural Law, and most of all, to God, without Whom we can do nothing.

I almost forgot... Thomas More is SAINT Thomas More!  He might have lost his head, but he saved his soul.

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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