Friday, September 28, 2018

Are you a conservative?

So we know what liberalism, or a liberal is, or at least we should know; if not, we will all be snookered and succumb to their agenda.

But what is a conservative?

There are many "talking heads" that claim to be "conservative," but what is it that they're conserving?

As history shows, the French Revolution was instigated by mobs of radical "liberals" hell-bent on destroying any semblance of restraint, of religion (mainly, the Catholic religion), of the tenets of the Natural (moral) Law, and what was left of the royal monarchy, in favor of the original "me-too" movement run amuck.  I don't think I would be exaggerating in saying that's pretty close to what we have today in the land of the free and the home of the brave...

And yet, some of the original proponents of that very same revolution, themselves, fell to the guillotine because they just weren't radical enough.  In effect, they had become too "conservative."

One thing that the "conservatives" are not conserving is manhood, and the roles assigned to us even before we were born.

What?  Before we were born?   That's correct: "before I formed you in the womb, I knew you..." (God speaking through the prophet, Jeremiahs.)

Unfortunately, the traditional roles of man and woman have been corrupted to the point of being almost unrecognizable.  This confusion carries over into all facets of society, in effect, turning those roles upside-down.  And there is one special, easily influenced, group that is affected by that confusion: our children.

We know that children absorb what they are taught: what they see; what they hear, and what they read, whether in school or in the home, (if they are fortunate enough to be homeschooled).

It is also true that if a certain agenda or mindset can "get" to the kids, then they become the next generation of less manly, less womanly adults awash in "gender confusion" that seems to permeate American society these days.  Their roles can very well become blurred, causing even more uncertainty as to what they are, and how they are supposed to act as men and women.

And if the so-called "conservatives" dare talk about truly conserving what is moral, just, traditional, family oriented values, chivalry, and especially man being the head -- the patriarch -- of the family unit, see what happens.  I can take a guess that such declarations would then be attacked by the feminists, as well as those weak-kneed males who think that women are equal to men (they are not).

Today's "conservatives," for all practical purposes, are simply less-liberal than their more radical counterparts, but still undermine the moral fiber of the individual and the nation as well.

It is said that history repeats itself.  I agree.  And what we see happening today is a repeat of the rebellion that was ushered in during the French Revolution.  And what was the main object of that rebellion?  I believe it was a revolt against God Almighty, with "man" assuming the role of "creator" -- creator of mayhem and social disorder, that is.  I also believe that it is no exaggeration to say that is exactly what we see happening today, not only in our country, but throughout the world as well.

Even in the human element of the Catholic Church we see scandal and compromise of what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed for 2,000 years, being eviscerated to the point of near schism among the flock of Christ.  And when conservative prelates speak out and criticize what is apparently happening in Rome and elsewhere, they are immediately attacked for not being loyal to the pope.

It is my contention that the main reason for the state of the world being as it is, is due to the weakness of that very same human element of the Church going on for nearly a century; a Church that was once looked upon as a moral -- and even a spiritual beacon -- to Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

If you consider yourself to be a true conservative, I ask you to pray, not only for our country, but for the Catholic Church as well...

Gene DeLalla

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