Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Hollywood and the ghost of John McCain invade the Middle East...

The title of the article should be: Hollywood and the ghost of John McCain CONTINUE to invade the Middle East.

Let's take a quick look at the "civil"-war-torn country of Syria...

First, it is not a civil war, hence the quotation marks.  It is, and has been, a war of the government forces of Assad, and the outsiders attempting regime change.  The "rebels" have been, and continue to be, supported, financed and encouraged by the ghost of John McCain and his legion of war-hawks tied in to the military industrial complex of the U.S. of A.

When it comes right down to it, a nation's sovereignty means little if anything to those with the agenda of perpetual war, never satisfied with the death, destruction and destroyed lives that their insatiable appetite for --- MONEY --- causes.  As I always say: follow the money trial...

If there is a big winner in any war, it is, by far, the military industrial complex that former President Eisenhower warned about so many years ago.

Second, President Trump has, I'm afraid, fallen for the trap set by the war mongers in his cabinet, including, but not limited to Nikki Halley -- his ambassador to the U.N., as well as John Bolton as security advisor.

I point to one example -- there are many -- of the so-called gassing of the Syrian civilians by their president, Assad, and his forces.

If anyone has ever read or heard of gas being used in war, there is a certain attribute that is inherent in such attacks, not only to those that are affected, but also includes medical personnel attempting to render aid.

Take a look at the horrendous effects of gas used by the Germans against the allies in World War I.  To my understanding, the gases used were of the nerve and mustard varieties.  Exposure was deadly, or at least completely debilitating, or life-changing to those unfortunate enough to be caught without a gas mask.

In Syria, there was a supposed gas attack, followed quickly -- with little investigation to find out the truth of what actually happened -- by Pres. Trump launching dozens of Cruise missiles at an air field, where, supposedly, there was a stockpile of cannisters of poison gas.  And now, there is talk of another imminent -- false flag -- gas attack, again, by Assad against his own people.

It just doesn't make any sense.  Why?  Because the government forces, with the help of the Russians, and others, are defeating the rebels that have been attempting to drive Assad from office, and to further destabilize the country.  But these "rebels" have been, and continue to be, supported by the likes of the now-dead McCain and his cronies.  And Trump, again, has warned that another gas attack will be met with more Cruise missiles and who knows what else?  Will there be an investigation after such an attack, if it does happen, or will there be a rush to judgment without placing the blame where it really belongs?

And now, Hollywood...

I have seen some really bad acting in the areas of the supposed gas attacks and the aftermath, with victims and medical personnel obviously following a scripted scenario.  Not only that, but the so-called "white helmets" have been accused of being the actual perpetrators of the false flag attacks in several areas of Syria, as well as being friendly with the so-called "rebels."

If you think that Hollywood's involvement is far-fetched, think of the elites of that debauched group and what their mission is here in the U.S.: taking out Trump at all costs, and in any way possible -- peaceful or not.  Tie this together with the disaster of Syria, and the picture becomes much clearer.  Again, follow the money and ideological trail, it usually leads to complete socialism, and absolute government control of every aspect of our lives.

Please pray for Pres. Trump, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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