Saturday, September 22, 2018

Does Hell exist?

The following is an excerpt taken from an article appearing on
In his article, "Do We Still Need to Believe in Hell," Dr. Bruce writes, "Hell lost some of its purchase on humankind in the 19th century, when new scientific theories such as Darwinism eroded the authority of the Bible and the tides of sentiment turned against God’s wrath in favor of His mercy.
"... In some distant, better future, the foreclosure of Hell will be an important step in the maturation of human communities that can mete out justice on their own, without supernatural aid."

No, I don't know Dr. Bruce, but I can tell you that he is an atheist, simply, by the above quote.  

I do know that the word atheist is a pretty strong word to use these days, but there comes a time when we must call a spade a spade, and, more importantly, stand up for what we believe.

One of the main reasons for the "culture of death" that permeates American (and world) society, is the negative "belief" in something that doesn't exist!  

How can this be?  It doesn't make any sense to deny a negative!  This is the irrationality of an atheist.  But why would anyone choose to be irrational, especially when it comes to God or Christ?  Because just the mention of God or Christ tweaks their conscience; an atheist simply can't run and hide; He's everywhere.

Forget, for the time being, the supernatural, because even on the natural level, the obvious cannot be denied; the evidence is all around us; it stares us in the face; we can see it, touch it, observe it in the night sky.  Nature abounds with a finger that points to the Creator, especially when we see a child being born.  A true miracle!  I know it was for me...

I just mentioned the culture of death; it is all too real, and comes in many forms.  And that child being born?  Look at the opposite: killing that child before she is born.  Why would anyone do such a thing?  This is a rhetorical question, because we know the answer: "... In some distant, better future, the foreclosure of Hell will be an important step in the maturation of human communities that can mete out justice on their own, without supernatural aid."

That's why.

Again, just as on a human, natural level, without governance, man becomes as the wild animals in the jungle, and mirrors Darwin's survival of the fittest, or, take for example, the Declaration of the Rights of Man, written as a tenet of the French Revolution.  

One of the key provisions of the Dec. of the Rights of Man, is the "right" to do whatever you want, when you want, with no restrictions (of morality or religion) save for one: not interfering or denying the rights of others to do the same!  What Godless lunacy!

Of course, one of the tenets of the "progressives" of any revolution, is the first part of Dr. Bruce's quote: "...when new scientific theories such as Darwinism eroded the authority of the Bible and the tides of sentiment turned against God’s wrath in favor of His mercy."

Notice two things: first, he refers to Darwinism, and, two, the sloppy, warm and fuzzy "Christianity" that is floating around: "...against God's wrath in favor of His (at least he capitalized the "H" in His!  Maybe there is hope for this guy?) mercy."

I have to give him credit where credit is due: he hit the nail on the head; the emphasis is now on God's mercy, rather than His justice.  The fact of the matter is, you cannot have one without the other.  To believe in mercy without justice, is to presume on His mercy no matter what one does, but this presumption is a sin against the virtue of Hope; the other being despair.  There must be a balance; to ignore the justice part of the equation is to fall into the trap of not worrying about our actions, words, or inactions, thinking that at the end of our lives, we can presume that He will be merciful toward us! 

And that trap is what the demon wants us to fall into.  After all, he told us long ago that we can take a bite of that apple and "be like God": the ultimate PRESUMPTION.

Gene DeLalla



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