Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Is there going to be another false flag "9/11" before the midterm elections?

Remember, the globalists called for another Pearl Harbor BEFORE the 9/11 "attacks" occurred.

And they got it.

Now, there is a very real prospect for another "9/11" false flag "attack" just as we're getting into the voting mode for the midterm elections to be held in November.

Ironically, there is already another "9/11" going on as I'm writing this article!  

And you might ask yourself -- or me -- the who, what, when, where, how, and why of such an attack.  I'll give you the quick answer: the attack of the predators that have been wearing the Roman collar, and calling themselves priests -- and that goes for the bishops, cardinals, and all the way up to the top authorities in the Church.  As President Truman famously quipped: the buck stops here (on his desk!).

This attack has been going on for many decades, it is nothing new.  But at least the attention it deserves is finally coming to the surface, however, it is only the tip of the iceberg, and, as you know, the part of the iceberg that you see above the water is only a small percentage of what lies under the water.  In other words, the homosexual abuse scandal runs very deep in the ocean of debauchery and sin.

Some wonder: how can a Catholic priest, or the "higher-ups," commit these acts of sodomy and still have their flocks under their charge?  The "simple" answer is that a well-orchestrated cover-up was concocted and part of that horrendous scam meant that these miscreants were transferred to other parishes once their crimes were uncovered.  Now a priest is subject to his bishop so it is the ordinary of the diocese that was in cahoots with the "good-ole-boy" network, and helped to safeguard these predators, while leaving the vulnerable devastated with lives ruined beyond comprehension.

The news is filled with daily attacks on the Catholic Church, but without the distinction being made between the criminals and the Church herself.  As I have written in another post: Guilty until proven innocent?  August 28, 2018, in addition to the fact that the criminal predators are part of the human element of the Church, and the Church is composed of sinners, the Church herself is, however, perfect; holy.

Think about this scenario: the Church is rotten, yet Christ is still the Head of His Church?  Not so.

It is impossible for Christ to be the Head of a rotten body, only a perfect Body -- His Church.

And with all the current problems and scandals afflicting the Church, it will survive; we have Christ's promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against her.  That's not to say that she will not undergo severe testing and trials, as the gold is separated from the ore in the purifying fire of the furnace.

The faithful may not have the elaborate buildings, or expensive artwork, or uncountable cash, no, but we will have the Faith...

Pray for our country, and please use your good will to pray for the Church...

Gene DeLalla

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