Thursday, September 6, 2018

Wars and rumors of wars...

What a mess!

When I say wars, and rumors of wars, I'm not just referring to the battlefield of opposing armies, or the secret covert, or even the overt operations that we are involved in, in so many parts of the world, expending so much of our blood and treasure.

And for what?

To spread a corrupted version of what we feel is democracy?   A democracy that is foreign to most other nations?  Isn't it time we brought our military back home, and take care of our own problems first and foremost?

But there are other wars and rumors of wars to be fought, and these wars are within ourselves, our families, our neighborhoods, our cities and towns -- our country.

Look at the mess of what is currently going on in society... Let's take just one example: the examination of the newest nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Kavanaugh, before the senate judiciary committee...

I suspect that Mr. Kavanaugh is a pretty decent guy; learned and smart; he knows the ins and outs of the court system as well as legal workings of the Constitution.  The hearings, so far, have been filled with disruptions, attacks on his character through innuendo; the same questions asked over and over again.

What is the purpose of this tactic?

It is to delay, besmirch, and maybe wear the good judge down to the point that he just gives up and walks out.  I wouldn't blame him if he did.  In fact, his two young daughters had to be escorted out of the hearing room because of the scandalous treatment of their father right before their eyes.

How sad that is!

And I'm sure that Judge Kavanaugh is a moral man; a good husband and father; charitable to his neighbors; church-going, etc.

But when questioned by the hard-left, liberals on the committee, I was discouraged to hear his responses that, seemed to me, to be beating-around-the-bush, especially when it concerned his views on life issues, mainly, abortion.  This seems to me to be the most important aspect of his future judgeship if he is to be seated on the Court.  Make no mistake, the haters of the right to life, want assurances from Kavanaugh that he will uphold Roe v Wade, no matter what.

If Judge Kavanaugh were to simply state that he will make his judgements based on the Natural Law, and apply the Natural Law to the Constitution, he would have been deemed totally unfit for the position, and attacked, ironically, as a killer of women!

That's right: a killer of women, as some on the left have said again and again if this man is confirmed to the Court!

Think, for a moment, about the insanity here!

Abortion: IS the REAL WAR ON WOMEN!

This is the overriding "concern" for these loony politicians: to keep the killing of the pre-born "legal" and available, come hell or high water.

So, why can't Judge Kavanaugh come right out and say what he really feels about the right-to-life of the pre-born?

This a rhetorical question: I know the answer; I have already stated why, but I ask this out of frustration.  Where is the guts of this man?   Why doesn't he just tell these supporters of death what is right and what is wrong according to the Natural Law?

Again, I know the answer, but if he did, at least he would be true to himself -- and his young daughters -- to show them the importance of being a soldier for morality and real justice.

As I stated earlier, we have wars and rumors of wars: armies against armies on the battlefield, but also the war for our souls and the soul of our nation.  We cannot continue to make war against our most defenseless, the pre-born, and expect God Almighty to "bless" us, and our country.

I also know, that if we do stand up and defend the right to life of the pre-born, we will be viciously attacked as aliens to "progress" and "rights" of females to terminate the baby developing in the womb.

This is the defining moment for Judge Kavanaugh; either he will defend the Natural Law, and be rejected for the seat on the Court, or he will give in, and we will be saddled with another phony "conservative" on the bench for 25- or 30-more years, potentially wiping out another generation of American children.  

Pray for this man, and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

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