Friday, September 14, 2018

The Media and the Stockholm Syndrome.

Does anyone remember Patty Hearst?   She was the heiress of the Hearst syndicate of newspapers giant, William Randolph Hearst.  She was kidnapped by the SLA (the Symbionese Liberation Army back in the 1970's) and actually -- and incredibly -- became the poster child for the Stockholm Syndrome.   

I remember she was photographed wearing military garb and carrying an AK, and appeared to willingly engage in criminal acts along with her captors!

But just what is the Stockholm syndrome?  

The definition: capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon described in 1973 in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors.

I contend that those folks who watch or read or listen to the mainstream media, have swallowed their bias, hook, line and sinker.  

Such people, in effect, have become as their "captors," and now show undying allegiance, empathy and sympathy regardless of the truth.  We can see this on a daily basis when it comes to reporting the "news," especially about our president, Mr. Trump.   

If someone can no longer discern what is true or false, and is infected with malice of forethought, just what kind of decisions can that person make regarding our basic rights, especially, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

Remember Iraq?  How about Afghanistan?  Syria?  

We have been lied to time and again by the media, and now especially government sources, and convinced far too many people into seeking revenge of purported "attacks" on American soil.  So, we are told that we must defend our country.  I agree, if an enemy truly attempted to invade our nation.  Think, then, of all the sovereign countries that we have invaded and occupied, do those patriots have a right to defend themselves and kick us out of their country?  Or do we consider all other peoples inferior, and we must dictate to them what real "democracy" is, and imposing those "values" at all costs?

The very politicians that we have elected are the culprits; they have become the "mainstream media," and have created the lies that we have swallowed, hook, line and sinker, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, and squandered uncountable amounts of money in the pursuit of "security" for our citizens.   

True Americans must resist the "Stockholm Syndrome" at all costs, and seek out the truth no matter where it leads, if not, we will be held accountable for our inactions, not just our actions!

Pray for our country, and pray for peace.

Gene DeLalla   

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