Sunday, September 9, 2018

The third article in the war-theme trilogy..

Why is there war?

A very complex question, with a very "simple" answer...

When mankind strays from the laws laid down by his Creator -- and that includes the Natural Law -- then that opens the door to those elements that oppose those laws.  Simple, right?

But try telling that to the proud.  Remember, pride comes before the fall.

So, what can pride lead to?   How about an off-the-scale "self-esteem"?   Or how about an attitude that "no one is going to tell me what to do, or how to live my life."

Does this sound familiar?

How about greed, or lust (this passes for "love" these days), or infidelity, an endless list can be written here, but I think the reader can get a pretty good idea that what I just mentioned is something called sin.  By the way, who talks about sin these days?  Isn't that being too "judgmental," or too "old-fashioned"?


But if it is too "judgmental," then we should do away with judges and juries, or everyday decision making, for that matter.

How about the sometimes overwhelming desire to covet what others have?   In the case of nations, hankering for another nations goods or resources is a "good" reason for going to war, correct?  Then there is "regime change," thinking that our way of life should be imposed on other sovereign countries, install "our man" in their government, and force them through those actions to be our "ally."

It doesn't work; never has, and never will, and just creates a monumental disaster in the long run.

Do I have to name the countries that we've invaded and occupied over the last 15 to 20 years?  

The point here is that when we lose self-control, we then open ourselves up to unrestrained base instincts, becoming as the animals in the jungle, where survival of the fittest is the only rule of living -- or dying!

If only -- if only! -- we could, as a people, obey one of the greatest of the Commandments: Love Thy Neighbor, we would all be much better off.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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