Saturday, November 24, 2018

A Warning to Parents With Youngsters...

Parents: it is up to YOU! to keep your children from becoming brainwashed by the secular humanists in the God-less public schools, as well as what now passes for (some) of the so-called "Catholic" schools of the post-Vatican II era.

Ever since the late 60s, the downward spiral of the quality of education has accelerated to the point of being unrecognizable by the previous generation. In addition, the traditional subjects that were taught have been transformed into something that, for all practical purposes, is anti-Christ at the very least.

Instead of teaching the perennial doctrines of the Church to strengthen and prepare the students for going out into the world and fortify them with the breast-plate of the armor of faith, the curriculum is now focused on social issues, rather than the ultimate goal of our precious offspring: the salvation of their very souls -- the primary purpose and command to the Church by the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, Jesus Christ.

With the betrayal of that command, we are simply left with a liberal, biased mindset, rather than a real, traditional, well-rounded liberal education.  Further, it would be a "dereliction of duty" -- as we called it in the military -- if you don't investigate the expertise, as well as the philosophical and religious background of those entrusted with the charge of your impressionable children.

But how can parents be sure that a school and curriculum is in line with their moral and spiritual beliefs?  You can't be 100 percent sure.  And, if that is the case, then one way you can be sure that your children will not be subjected to an insidious, subtle revision of traditional morality, especially in a society that is nearly completely sexualized in so many forms, is by homeschooling -- truly, the only way children will not lose their baptismal innocence.  

As Christmas approaches, perhaps the greatest gift you can give to your children is to make that great, yet satisfying sacrifice, and home-school your precious gift(s) from God -- the real Author of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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