Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Does the Truth still have any meaning?

How can it possibly be that even when someone is presented with the truth --  whether in word, print or by physical presence -- the one that it is presented to, still does not accept it, and continues to believe a falsehood or lie?

Unbelievably, we see this happen every single day!

Just one present-day example will prove my point: look at what is happening at our southern border with the mob of illegals trying to enter (invade) the U.S. at any cost, even with violence -- on their part -- and inflict that violence on our border patrolmen and whatever military are still stationed there to help maintain order as well as the sovereignty of our country.  It is a fact, that without a secure border, there is no sovereignty, period.

So, if you or I present the media with undeniable proof of the real actions and intent of the illegal mobs practically attacking our border agents, they still either deny or distort that truth, and turn it around to show how rotten or unfeeling we are by not letting those "persecuted" migrants into our country.  We are collectively called racist, or some other such nonsensical thing, simply because we want to see our laws enforced, and still offer legal immigration to those who want to become Americans, and not just suck off the government teat.  

To those who watch the "6 o'clock news," or read the New York Times, it seems to me that they, for the most part, will swallow the lie, hook, line, and sinker regardless of the facts.

This is culpable ignorance.  In other words, they are still responsible for believing a lie, even though it is a lie!

But this is very dangerous, not just because it is irrational (that's scary enough!), but also because it shows the lack of education and knowledge that is needed to live a life of decency, especially for those who will become our future leaders.

How can these folks, who maintain false beliefs, lead a country?   How can these folks be a moral people and have a moral governance over their charge if they do not uphold the truth themselves -- if they do not recognize that all truth comes from the God that made them?  And yet just watch the talking heads of the leftist media presenting what is clearly the opposite of the facts; of truth!!

Who was it that said if a lie is repeated often enough, people will believe it as a truth?  

All must pray for discernment, and pray for our country too.

Gene DeLalla


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