Monday, November 19, 2018

The "new" threat to our 2nd Amendment..

Demonrat congressman, Eric Swalwell, of California, has recently said that if WE resist his plan to confiscate our weapons for self-defense, whether single shot or semi-automatic, that the government has nuclear weapons to use, not on the Communist Chinese, or the Russians, but on US -- as in you and me!

This brazen, emboldened lunatic -- make no mistake -- means what he says.

But this punk doesn't know history, or the American public that he claims he represents: that what goes around, comes around, just as the boomerang comes back to the one who threw it.

Further, if he did, by some outside chance, crack open an unbiased history book, he would see that those who instigated, for instance, the French Revolution, and sent thousands of Catholics and others to the guillotine, themselves eventually lost their heads to that filthy, bloody blade.

Congressrat Swalwell thinks that he will find favor with those who want to radically transform our country into something unrecognizable, but fails to realize that, as the rabid dog turns on his own master, just might suffer the same fate from the anarchists he, obviously, supports.

If you think that I'm being a little "radical" in my observations of this creep, just read for yourselves what he said, and his rotten agenda; that is, to take away our freedom of speech and our natural right to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government bent on making us slaves to central government's power and control of all facets of our lives.

Remember, one of the main reasons for the 2nd Amendment as written by the Founding Fathers, is to have recourse of the citizens by force of arms, if necessary, to fight-off a government out of control.  Also remember that it is NOT the government that grants our natural rights to us, but by God Himself through the Natural Law.  It is the role of government to guarantee those very same rights!

As the Declaration of Independence states that when a people can no longer get redress from a tyrannical central government, it is the right -- and the duty -- of the people to throw out that regime and start over.  Read it for yourself...

In the face of maniacs such as Swalwell, we must stand firm in our determination to protect, not only our present families, but also our future families: our grandchildren and their children.

I ask all of good will to pray for the defeat (or conversion?) of the enemies of our rights, and, especially, the enemies of God Almighty.

Gene DeLalla


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