Tuesday, November 13, 2018

REAL aliens have been caught invading -- the CHURCH!!

The problem is, they've already set up shop doing their dirty thing for far too long, nearly destroying what is left of the Catholic Church.

But these "aliens" are not the invaders attempting to enter the U.S. of A. through our southern borders, no, these foreigners wear the Roman collar and are well-rehearsed impersonators posing as real representatives of Christ.

Remember, we are told in the Bible that there will be those who will say that there is the Christ, or here is the Christ, or He's out in the desert, or in a house or closet performing miracles... But! don't believe these liars; they are wolves in sheep's clothing, and will deceive, if possible, even the Elect!

These instigators of perversion -- especially the sodomite agenda -- can't seem to control themselves and attack the innocent of the flock of Christ, practically destroying the lives of young adults almost at will, with little accountability, at least in this life.

Even with all the documented and accurate information that has surfaced regarding their perversion, these workers of evil seem to have escaped prosecution, for the most part.  The current reigning pope is of no help in bringing these culprits to justice.  In fact, he seems hell-bent on attacking the victims of abuse, rather than defrocking and excommunicating those debauched "priests" and "bishops" that commit these horrendous crimes, or cover-up their dastardly activities.  

Make no mistake, justice in the long run, will prevail.

Our Lord said: and whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Don't be fooled, however, because it is the HUMAN element of the Church, and not the Church herself that is witnessing almost universal corruption.  Remember, the gates of hell will NOT prevail against her!

I ask all of good will to pray for the Catholic Church, and pray for our country too!

Gene DeLalla

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