Friday, November 2, 2018

Do the elites care about you?

A question of the ages.  But the answer is simple: no, they don't care about you, or me.

As an example, if they can produce robots to replace those who depend on a job to support their families and pay their bills, they will do just that. If you or I get in their way and pose an obstacle to their agenda, we can be "taken care of."

This is no exaggeration.  One horrible example can prove my statement; it concerns many holistic doctors, both men and women, who provided alternative avenues to conventional methods and treatments for many debilitating diseases, meeting with more than just a modicum of success.  And because of that success, over 100 of these medical doctors, as well as PHDs, have been killed.  The façade is that many of them committed suicide, or were killed in traffic "accidents."  

I don't buy it, and neither do the families of those who were "taken care of," buy it.

It seems apparent to me, that when a system is bucked -- a system that is worth uncountable billions of dollars -- then those who have a stake in that system will do whatever it takes to protect that source of revenue at all costs.    

How many of these elitist globalists even believe in God?  I would venture to say that few, if any, do.  And because of that, their intellects are darkened as to what the Natural Law demands of all humans: God-given common sense.  Without that, it becomes easy to invite the demon into their slothful lives, opening up their wills to do more and more evil.  Once the soul is in a state of grave sin, it becomes easier to compound their nasty deeds regardless of the cost to their fellow human beings.  Hence, the superrich acquire more and more wealth to foster an agenda that betrays societal norms in favor of their intended end: socialism.  A monstrous and despicable sin against the reign of God, and the creatures He created in His image.  Make no mistake, they believe, not in God, but in themselves, as "god."

Think about it: Christ said that without Him, you can do nothing, and that includes breathing.  Without the beneficence of God, you would stop breathing, in other words, we owe our very breaths, our very lives to our Almighty God.  Yet, the evil among us continue to breathe, to continue to do their evil deeds, causing suffering of those "beneath" them.  The reality of evil, and how it thrives, is a great mystery.   How and why does evil perpetuate itself in society in general, and in our lives in particular?  Again, this is a great mystery, to those who have fear of the Lord, but to those who believe not, there is no accountability, no one to answer to, for their demonic actions, yet they too, will, in the end, face the Just Judge, then they will answer for their misuse of the talents and wealth they have accrued either by legal or illegal means, as well as the misery they have inflicted on their fellow neighbors. 

Do the elites care about you?  No, because they are not of God...

Pray for our country, and pray for the conversion of those that hate us.

Gene DeLalla

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