Saturday, November 17, 2018

The U.S. "Catholic" Bishops continue to descend into hell...

The most recent U.S. Catholic Bishop's conference terminated last week.  But this conference achieved nothing; nothing but a continuance of the status quo.

Truly despicable!

The hard topics of the homosexual scandal and their abuse of the innocent entrusted to their charge, has not, and, most likely, will not change, at least for the time being.

The idea of "cleaning house" held out some hope of eradicating these miscreants from the seminaries and the priesthood, but it wasn't to be...

The title of this short article: The U.S. "Catholic" Bishops continue to descend into hell, is telling enough, but the real horror of those faithless bishops is that they are taking untold numbers of their flock with them!

And very sadly, many Catholics are losing, or have lost their precious faith, and have left the Church, not realizing the difference between the corrupt human element of the Church, and the Church herself.  One of the reasons for this horrible situation, is the poor catechesis since the end of that Godzilla of monsters -- and completely unnecessary -- Second Vatican Council.

I say unnecessary only to those who know better, but it was necessary to those modernists that were hell-bent on implementing the changes to the perennial Church teachings of 2,000 years, to suite their dastardly plan to change and transform the Church into their own "image".

Those faithless hierarchy wanted to become "god," and replace God almighty with a façade of Catholicism, slowly but surely, as the frog is slowly but surely boiled to death by gradually increasing the flames under the pot...

Again, the "collateral damage" to their demonic plans can be seen in so many ways, it is almost impossible to list here, but just attend a guitar "mass" and see what I mean, or have some woman in a tank-top handing out the Holy Eucharist to other filthy hands.  Need I say more?

If I have to give you one major caveat to what is happening in the Church today, just remember what occurred when our Lord told the disciples that unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, YOU WILL NOT HAVE LIFE IN YOU... (St. John, Chapter 6.)

What happened when Christ said that?

There was murmuring among the disciples... the response was: this is a hard saying, who can hear it.  And they walked no more with Him.  Christ then turns to His Apostles and asked them: will you too walk away?

The response from the Apostles came from the prince of the Apostles -- who was to eventually head the Church -- St. Peter.  Who said: Lord where can we go, YOU have the words of eternal life.

Note, those who think that Christ was talking in a metaphorical sense, think again.  He made no effort to call back those disciples, but left them to their own devices...

As a Catholic, I use the King James version of the Protestant Bible (copyright 1897) to paraphrase the above.  It is word for word as it is in my Catholic Bible!

To put it bluntly, if you leave the Church, and do not have the Holy Eucharist, you will not have LIFE IN YOU!

To all former Catholics and all those non-Catholics that I LOVE, I urge you to come back to Christ's Church.  I will help you, if need be..

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

1 comment:

  1. This seems to be the very WORDS OF CHRIST that Protestants always ignore. Why? Because, like the disciples that walked no more, they also walk away from Christ.


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