Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Caravan, mob, call it what you will...

Anytime now, thousands of illegal migrants will attempt to cross our southern border and enter the United States of America.

This cannot continue to happen.  That's right, continue.  Because "caravans" have been coming across the border almost on a daily basis.

This is nothing new.  I can vouch for that from my personal experience.   You see, back in the late 1970s, up until the mid-80s, I lived in the very southwestern edge of California, between Chula Vista (where I attended Southwestern Community College), Imperial Beach and San Ysidro, prime entry areas for the illegals.  As an aside, Coronado is a short drive along the beach where the Navy Seals train; you can see the skeletons of helicopters they use for some of that special, and very arduous training.  

I used to jog along an area that led up to Brown air field, an elevated mesa that was sparsely populated, but has since been built up as many of the local "bedroom" communities of San Diego have been somewhat overdeveloped -- nothing new for Southern California.

My jogging took me along a farming area where tomatoes and other crops were grown.  In fact, I used to see the crop dusting aircraft spraying those very same tomatoes that folks bought in the supermarkets, probably unaware of the chemicals being used to grow those "perfect" veggies.   One day, while running along one of my favorite routes, the crop duster nearly covered me with a Monsanto concoction of chemicals; I can assure you that I hightailed it out of that place as quick as my big feet could carry me!

But one of the scenes that I witnessed quite often were the illegals sneaking across our border, some with entire families in tow, along with border patrol officers riding horseback as well as driving 4-wheel drive Jeeps in an attempt to stem the tide of those illegals.  But worst of all, were the "coyotes" -- unscrupulous, human smugglers packing people into cars or vans right smack in the open and near housing developments where children would often play.

That was then...

How many millions, yes millions, of illegals have come across our border since that time and before?  I can only guess; some say 11-12 million.  That figure is far too "conservative."  I would venture to say that if you multiply that number by three, you would be much closer to reality, and that's no exaggeration.

This mess is not only the failed past policies of Obama, or even Bush (1 & 2), but goes way back to the 1970's and early 80's when the "progressives" in the House and Senate approved legislation that allowed for far too many loopholes in the immigration bills that became the current laws on the books.   Even Ronald Regan signed some of the worst legislation ever invented by the Left.  These "loopholes" allow for "anchor babies" -- babies born on American soil automatically becoming American citizens, as well as "chain migration" -- relatives of immigrants already in-country coming in simply because they are the relatives of those immigrants!?

And now we see these "caravans" (some are saying they are acting more like mobs) heading up toward the U.S. from several Central American countries, coming through Mexico, with many being men in age from the late teens, on up.  And recently, gunfire erupted from some of those in the "caravan" aimed at Mexican police along the way, as well as setting fire to one of the facilities in one of the southern Mexican states.

At first, President Trump indicated that some in that "caravan" were gang members as well as Middle-Easterners as well as potential terrorists, and other shady characters.  For that, he was roundly castigated as being racist -- how much more racist can he be, as the news media hurls that epithet at our president almost on a daily basis?

It turns out that corroborating evidence has proven him correct in his estimation.  What the media seem to forget, is that the president is counseled by his advisers with confidential as well as classified information that allows him to make important decisions concerning threats to our nation's security.

For far too many years, presidents didn't have the guts to secure our southern borders, and now that Trump is fulfilling his constitutional obligations, he is labeled racist, etc...  The hypocritical irony here is that Obama and Bush, at times, sealed the border when there was a potential, imminent threat to our security, but in time, relaxed that prohibition, allowing the continued flow of illegals into our sovereign nation.

Trump has called up Army troops, and may add more as time and circumstances indicate the necessity of same.  Again, he is being labeled a racist and more...

I truly hope there is no bloodshed as the "caravan" gets to the southern border near San Diego, but we'll see...

Two more things: 1. There is the question of just where all the money is coming from that is financing these thousands of illegals, providing food, water, clothes, medicine, etc.  And 2. The people in these caravans (there are several now) are already illegally -- in Mexico!  With the Mexican authorities unable, or unwilling to take the heat to stop them at their southern border...


Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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