Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Quiz: Name the country...

I'm going to give you the following facts, then I want anyone to name the country or countries that these data are referring to.

Here we go...

1. Hate of white males.
2. confiscation of land; farms, ranches, etc.
3. Fear for one's life via death threats for speaking the truth.
4. Decent people giving up on running for political office because of the toxic environment.
5. Denying of free speech to one's opponent.
6. One political entity screaming "hate speech" while they, themselves, use the most despicable -- real -- hate speech to label the other political entity.
7. Anarchists violently attacking those peacefully marching for their rights, including free speech.
8. Radicals turning on each other, as happened during the French Revolution.
9. Reverse discrimination because of one's color or ethnicity.
10. The media siding with the radicals, smearing any conservatives.
11. Denial of due process...

I'll stop here, but there are many more data that can be listed.

Now, the question again: Name the country where this is happening.

Answer: South Africa.


Let that sink in: the U.S. of A.!

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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