Saturday, October 13, 2018

Has the Catholic Church, "finally", been destroyed?

I write "finally," because I'm sure there are those that would very much like to see that happen..

Sour grapes, to say the least.

But the grapes will remain sour because the Church can never be destroyed!

But what about all those homosexual abuse scandals being uncovered nearly in all parts of the world, you say?

I can't deny it.  It's true.

But what folks fail to realize is that this is not the first time these types of horrendous scandals have plagued and rocked the very foundations of the Church of Christ.

Luther said that the Catholic Church was corrupt, and was not the Church that Christ founded, but an imitation; he was wrong; dead wrong.

He also claimed, in effect, that he "rediscovered" the real Church after it had been hiding somewhere for nearly 1,500 years,

Wrong again...

The arch-heretic failed to recognize the blood of the martyrs that became the seed of the Church.  Did all those men, women and children, who died, with some suffering diabolical tortures because they would not renounce the (Catholic) Faith nor His Church, die in vain?  Even with all the blood that was shed for over 300 years, the Roman Emperors couldn't extinguish the fire of the Faith instilled in them by our Lord and His Apostles.

One more thing about Martin Luther... he failed to note the difference between the nasty, and, yes, corrupt, human element of the Church, and that of the Church itself.  The difference is titanic, and was the downfall of Luther.  Christ, the perfect Head, could not ever be attached to a rotten body.  It makes no sense.  So when Luther rebelled against the Church, he was rebelling against Christ Himself; the Head could not be separated from the Body, nor the Body from the Head.  If it ever was, death of both would ensue.

But I digress...

Back to the present, and the leadership of the Church and their enabling, and, in some cases, endorsing the homosexual subculture that is currently infecting the Church as a gangrenous limb that must be cut off to save the rest of the body from certain death.  This includes those clergy actively engaged in these unnatural acts themselves, attacking adolescents as well as other adults to satisfy their lust for sexual perversion.

Keep in mind that in the late Fourth, and early Fifth Centuries, the Church was hit in the gut with the same types of scandals that we see today.  It is really nothing new.  That is not an excuse, just a fact.

There are, still, today, many good priests and bishops that continue to work for the salvation of souls and the reason for the establishment of the Church in the first place, not "climate change," or the "immigrant" problem.

I say that the uncovering of these scandals are a good thing, for now, at least, the elephant in the room is now in plain sight.  The evil has been exposed.  And good, in the long run, will triumph; we have our Lord's word that the gates of hell will not -- ever -- prevail against her...

That's good enough for me.

Pray for our country, and I ask all of good will to pray for the Catholic Church.

Gene DeLalla


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