Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Fall season -- and the law...

My favorite time of year has arrived: Fall!

Who can argue with Nature's blazing colors, cool, crisp air -- and fallen leaves clogging the rain gutters!

Not me...

New Hampshire, and our sister states here in New England, if not already, will soon be barraged with "leaf peepers" from all over the country, invading our borders by car, plane, tour bus, RVs, you name it, if it can get people here, we'll see them landing at our air ports, or traversing our roads.

Personally, I'll take short day-trips with K to observe the brilliant concoction that Mother Nature has brewed; a real feast for the eyes!

Let's say that we decided to drive along a scenic highway and ended up in a town that we've never been to before.  We get hungry, so we ask where the nearest "family restaurant" is located; we get directions and lo and behold, we find the place, and enjoy a pretty good meal at fairly reasonable prices.

Well, it's time to leave "Happy Town," and continue to devour the breathtaking scenery along the highways and byways, through town and mountain roads...

But just when things were going smashingly well, and we were about to leave Happy Town, we notice flashing red and blue lights in the rear-view; what the heck did I do???  We get pulled over by the local constabulary; he asks to see my driver's license and registration, you know, the usual stuff...

He sees my veteran's plates on my car, and immediately thanks me for my service, then proceeds to call in my bona fides to see if there are any outstanding traffic tickets. etc...

Of course I ask him why I was pulled over; he says to me that I failed to wave goodbye just before we left the city limits of Happy Town...

We were flabbergasted!   I failed to WAVE GOODBYE to the town???

The officer was really nice, though, and explained that Happy Town has an ordinance that plainly states that everyone that leaves Happy Town must wave goodbye!   He said that if I wanted to see the ordinance, he would be "happy" to take us to the town clerk to read it for ourselves...

Could something like that really be "on the books"???


But whether I like it or not, I violated the law.  As it turns out, I realized that ignorance of the law was no excuse.  I couldn't say to the officer: but officer, I didn't know that I had to wave goodbye to Happy Town.  Nope, it wouldn't work.  I was guilty of not obeying that "silly" law.  But guilty nonetheless!

Now, if ignorance of that silly ordinance was no excuse, then what about the Natural Law that we're all born with?   Or, how about Divine law that we must know if we want to get to Heaven?

Are they "silly" too?

The Natural Law tells us that the baby developing in the womb is part of the human race, and deserves to be born, and have the proper liberties and the ability to pursue happiness, just like the rest of us.

The Divine law tells us that we must know, love and serve God in this life, in order to be happy with Him in the next.

If we are "ignorant" of either law, we will still be culpable for not obeying those laws, just as I was culpable for not waving goodbye to Happy Town!

Don't be fooled, and don't let anyone tell you that so long as you are "nice," you too will go to Heaven.  No, there is much more to do if you want to see your Creator when you leave this earth, and enjoy the beatific vision for all eternity!

If anyone has any questions, or wishes to make a comment, I'll be happy to explain the who, what, when, where, how and why of the true way to follow the good Lord...

Believe it or not!!  And be HAPPY!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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