Monday, October 29, 2018

Why is the American flag being flown at half-mast?

When I went to my local post office to pick up my mail this morning, I noticed that Old Glory was flying at half-mast.  The postmaster happened to be behind the counter, so I asked him why?  He said: because of the shooting in Pittsburg (referring to the terrible killings of nine people at their Synagogue).  

I uttered something unrecognizable under my breath...

But if our Flag is to be lowered to half-mast for nine people killed in a Synagogue, then why isn't the Flag always lowered to half-mast for all the people killed in Chicago -- every week???

This past weekend -- "Halloween weekend" -- 43 -- that's FORTY THREE people were shot and 5 -- that's FIVE were killed outright in Rahm Emmanuel's "windy city"!!

That clown, by the way, will be resigning shortly, thank the good Lord!

Let me repeat: every weekend in Chicago, nearly a dozen people are killed in the streets by the murderous thugs that run drugs and deal in death, many of those killed are "collateral damage" innocents -- as that jerk Nancy Pelosi used that very term recently.  That's right, for anyone that disagrees with the hard-left, liberal agenda, there just might be "collateral damage."  That sounds like a threat to me; how about you?

The violent Left is responsible for the words and actions of the anarchists, spewing their hate and malice toward anyone attempting to "conserve" traditional values, including, first and foremost, the right to life.

So, if the Flag is to be lowered because people are killed, then just keep the Flag lowered all the time until the Demonrat controlled cities return to God-given common sense.  But that might be a chore, since far too many are outright atheists who believe in nothing but themselves, and their "party" and their agenda.

Sound familiar?

Pray for our country -- please!

Gene DeLalla

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