Monday, October 8, 2018

Beating political correctness...

What's wrong with political correctness anyway?

It is damning, that's what.

Being politically correct means that we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings; we don't want to lower anyone's "self-esteem." So, in other words, we compromise on truth to the point that it is no longer truth.

But the horror occurs when men cease to be men, then the feminists assume the role of patriarch; they become as "men," and UN-feminine; a real disaster.

This is all part of being politically correct: masculinity is emasculated to the point of obfuscating the role appointed to men from their Creator.  Men will then slink into the background for fear of being criticized by the feminist left simply for being men!

Make no mistake: the aim of political correctness is the destruction of manhood and womanhood, and to homogenize their roles into something un-natural.

Think about it: (sorry, feminists) if men don't lead, then females will fill the void and "lead."  What a mess that has produced, with, maybe, a very few exceptions, with St. Joan of Arc coming to mind.

Then there are examples of "leaders" such as Trudeau of Canada who is very much a "woman."  For all practical purposes, he has renounced his manhood and the natural role assigned to him.  His politics are "dirty": his compromises are legion...

This is true of so many males, at least here in the U.S.  But it is apparent that this phenomenon is world-wide, except, perhaps, in certain East European and African countries where they are still fighting to maintain their sovereignty and a real sense of the Natural Law (which dictates the roles of men and women), fighting the politically correct West attempting to impose their radical agenda on their cultural norms and traditions.

So, how can political correctness be beaten down and destroyed, and relegated to the dustbin of history?

The answer is almost too easy: follow the Natural Law (as all humans have it written on their hearts, because we are humans); strive for personal holiness by following the Ten Commandments (they are not the ten suggestions!); be open to learn and know Divinely revealed law, and most importantly, come into the one, true (Catholic) Church founded by our Divine Founder, Jesus Christ.  Without Him, we can do nothing...

And pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla 

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