Friday, October 26, 2018

The make-believe "Catholic" Church continues to implode and self-destruct.

Some truths are self-evident; meaning, they cannot be denied or challenged because the data are staring you right in the face.

Such is the case with the make-believe "Catholic" Church: the new "Catholic" Church of the current reigning pope.

I never thought that I would see the day of the unravelling of my dear Catholic Church.  But I must take heart and not fall into the trap of thinking that what we see coming out of Rome, out of the Vatican, is, indeed, the unshakeable, indivisible, divinely founded real Catholic Church of Jesus Christ.

It isn't.

What has happened is occurring because of the turning away of a properly formed intellect and a soul full of divine, supernatural faith.  Without that element plugged into the equation, something will be lacking.  Sure, the men at the top, and even the "lowly" parish priest may wear the Roman collar, but a rotten tree can only produce rotten fruit.  And that tree will eventually die, or be cut down and thrown into the fire, leaving nothing behind for posterity except for its own ashes to be scattered about by the whim of the breeze blowing helter-skelter...

But the question begs: why all this disorientation; confusion?

The answers are becoming more plain with each passing day: an unnatural -- homosexual -- lust, which leads to a perversion of moral values; the turning of the Church into a cause celeb for social issues, e.g.: extreme environmentalism, and the tossing the of its primary mission: the salvation of souls.

When was the last time you heard this pope -- or your local parish priest, for that matter -- preach on the dangers of sin, and the road that leads to hell?

When was the last time you heard your parish priest condemn contraception and abortion?

When was the last time you heard your parish priest tell you that if you committed or participated in any mortal sin, you must go to Confession before you receive Holy Communion?

Can we can then presume that we are "okay" where we are; don't worry, you're fine; you're not going to hell; everyone goes to heaven anyway; just accept Christ as your personal savior; baptize your baby?  No need, let your child choose for himself what to believe, etc., etc., ad nauseam...

But those Catholics who hold the true faith know the truth and the answers to the questions I rhetorically asked...

Nearly 1,600 years ago, there was the Arian heresy.  So widespread was it, that about 85 percent of all the bishops in the world, not to mention the local priests as well, fell into that horrendous error.  There was a heroic, faithful bishop by the name of Athanasius who defied that monstrous heresy, and became known as "Athanasius against the world."  He was excommunicated numerous times by the Arian bishops (that meant nothing), but only he has the august handle of "Saint" in front of his name.  What we see happening today is worse, much worse, in my opinion.

"They" might have the buildings, but we have the Faith.

What we must do: remain faithful to (sacred) tradition (not the tradition of men); seek out faithful priests who perform the Traditional Latin Mass -- stay away, at all costs, from the new order "mass."  Pray the Rosary; be able to discern what is binding on our consciences as opposed to the opinion of the hierarchy; and pray, yes pray for a miracle that the current pope may do God's will, not his own will, or the will of the demon.

And pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

1 comment:

  1. This, by far, I believe, is your best post, Gene. Nice work!


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