Thursday, October 4, 2018

Truth; lies; can you tell the difference?

It is said that if a lie is told often enough, it is then believed as a truth.

How true that is (no pun intended).

Let us take a quick look at what has been happening to Judge Kavanaugh... His life, reputation, his very family have been under constant attack from the hard-Left liberals on the Senate Judiciary Committee, as well as being trashed in the mainstream media on a daily basis.  There have even been threats against his family -- his wife and two daughters.  This is truly disgusting.  It is non-American in a country that, supposedly, believes in the Constitutional right of free speech, but  more importantly, that one is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers.  Judge Kavanaugh, however, has been accused, tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, not by the facts.   Plainly stated, he has been denied his due process.

I cannot emphasize enough just how important due process is, along with habeas corpus. Without these two foundations in law, we might as well just move to Communist China, or some other third-world hell-hole and live out our lives in fear and intimidation, without recourse to the government to redress our grievances.  

And in this country, we have certain organizations that promote real hate speech, yet accuse us of what they do and say.  Admittedly, a very shrewd and effective tactic that is used on those who have been, for all practical purposes, brainwashed, unable to think or research for themselves, and uncover the truth of the matter.

One of those "premiere" organizations is the Southern Poverty Law Center.

If anyone knows anything about these frauds, the only word that accurately describes the title is "Southern," because it is located in the South!

Poverty?  Law Center?

Truly an oxymoron...

This real hate group labels any pro-life, pro-family, veteran, pro-traditional marriage, pro-charity, organization or publication as haters (of what??), and places them on a list that is circulated to various leftist media to besmirch and slander their beliefs and good works.

To show just how powerful these snakes are, several years ago, under the Obama administration, their infamous list of "haters" was transmitted to federal government agencies, and lumped them all into the category of home-grown terrorist organizations!  The dissemination of these data was later called "an error," and was pulled from the shelves, so to speak.  At least that's what we were told.  But the damage was done -- purposely, of course.

This shows just how important it is to search for the truth.  But in order to find that truth, it is imperative to seek out alternative sources of news that will counter the lies and distortions of facts that can and do destroy the innocent.

If we think that this only happens to others, but can't possibly happen to us, think again.

Pray for our country, and pray for discernment to recognize truth from lies.

Gene DeLalla

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