Friday, October 19, 2018

Voting in the midterms...

November 6, 2018, is just around the corner.

We must all exercise our franchise and vote in this crucial midterm election cycle.

I for one, will have to hold my nose and vote Republicrat.  The alternative is that the Demonrats will gain the House and Senate.  This cannot happen!

I am fully convinced, from what we have seen, that the hard-left liberals are a violent group intent on turning our once-sovereign country into a completely open society, with diabolical socialism steering the ship of state directly into the fiery pit of hell itself.

Just listen to the opposition, in the form of Pelosi, Waters, and their ilk, and decipher for yourselves that the intellects of these females are under the possession of the demon.  Violence and threats of violence are unheard of since the late 60's, Chicago style.  But now, we have folks just going about their business or pleasure, e.g., taking your wife or family to a restaurant and being harassed or having your life and limb threatened.

If the police and mayors of cities and towns are unable, or more importantly, unwilling to discipline these animals, then what we have seen in the streets is nothing compared to what will happen if the Demonrats gain the majority in the House and Senate. 

This form of anarchy and tyranny must come to a quick end, if not, I see "our side" taking matters into our own hands and defending ourselves if law enforcement won't do their job and arrest these monsters.  Remember, we all have the right to self-defense, under the Natural Law, and to defend other innocents from violence, violence being preached from the housetops by Demonrat politicians and unhinged, un-civil leftists.

Make no mistake, the forces of the evil one are on the rampage, intent on wiping out the last vestige of the rule of law and civility in our great nation.

Again, vote Republicrat, if not, we will all suffer the consequences...

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla.

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