Monday, October 22, 2018

The First and Second Amendments (of the Bill of Rights); know them!

The First and Second Amendments to the Constitution (the Bill of Rights), know them, exercise them, or lose them.

The upcoming midterm elections will determine just who has the majority of the U.S. House and Senate.  There really is no alternative here, but to vote for the Republicrats and keep the hard-left liberals from gaining control of the Congress (for those who are not aware, "the Congress" refers to both houses, not  just the House of Representatives).

The importance of maintaining the First and Second Amendments cannot be over emphasized; without these two, pivotal foundation building blocks of the Bill of Rights, all the other amendments will crumble and become worthless simply because you will have to keep your mouth shut, as well as fear that you won't be able to defend yourself or your family.  That prospect is unacceptable and downright scary.  In authoritarian, Communist China, you do as you are told; this is the result of a disarmed population.  But this is America, not England, or France, or any of those other countries where it is almost impossible to speak your peace or own a firearm.  I guarantee that is one of the reasons we see so much lunacy in the "news" in those nations regarding the almost non-existent freedom of speech, and rampant lawlessness, especially attacks on women by the so-called "migrants" running roughshod through formally peaceful neighborhoods.  In fact, it is almost impossible for females to walk alone at night for fear of being sexually assaulted.

The politically correct "law enforcement" officers are afraid of their own shadows, and, in many cases, actually blame the victims for being assaulted because of not adhering to Islamic laws regarding dress or language.  In addition, the animals that perpetrate these horrendous acts of assault many times escape prosecution altogether.

I ask: what woman would want to live their daily lives in such fear and intimidation?

But if "law enforcement" can't, or won't do their job, then it is up to the populace to defend themselves, but if it is almost impossible to own a firearm, then what?

In the U.S., just take a look at Chicago: the murder capital of the country, even though they have the most strict gun control laws on the books of any city, including New York!   I guarantee, that if the law abiding citizen were able to own and carry a concealed pistol or revolver, the bad guys would think twice about entering a neighborhood to do their dirty work.

Getting back to the First Amendment... at least here -- for now -- you can say what you want, when you want, where you want.  Of course there are reasonable, common sense restrictions: such as not being able to yell "fire" in a movie theater, unless, of course, there is a fire!  You can still preach on a street corner, or peacefully assemble with your friends to discuss whatever you want, not, however, as the anarchists "antifa" crowds who cover their faces and assault those who disagree with their methods and destroy property, and want to turn America upside-down, to remake our country into their own chaotic image.

Another important aspect of the First Amendment, is that you and I have the freedom of religion: to worship God through our faith, not only in private, but also in public.  And don't let anyone tell you different.  The so-called "separation of church and state" does not now, nor has it ever existed.  A simple reading of the Amendment will clearly show that.  Doubt me?  Then read it.  And that is a prime example of how you can speak out against those who claim there is "separation of church and state," and do it in public!

I think you can also see how the Second Amendment is tied to the First: if you can't defend yourself, then how can you expect to be able to say what you want to say?  Will you be able to live without fear or intimidation, if you're not able to own or carry a firearm?

We cannot depend on law enforcement to prevent a crime against us or our family; that's not their job; their job is to respond to a crime in progress or after it has been committed, but by then, it might be too late.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if the populace is disarmed, then we are vulnerable to become another China, England, France or any other nation that has sunk, or is sinking into becoming a third-world hell-hole, where your freedom of speech will become a distant memory, and your right to bear arms will die on the vine right before your eyes.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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