Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Is it okay to discriminate? To be judgmental?

Is it okay to discriminate?  To be judgmental?


You and I do it everyday!

Discrimination; judgmentalism; two hot-button words that are misunderstood, and misapplied, especially in today's world.

In fact, if you don't discriminate every day of your life, you can't function!  Along with that, if you are not judgmental, you cannot function!  If anyone doubts this, try it for one, single day, and see what happens.

Am I a "hater" for writing these things?

Yes, to some.  But a little common sense will reveal the truth of what I just wrote.

First, what I'm NOT talking about is discriminating against someone because of their race, or religion, or because they sound different than you or me.  And I'm not talking about being judgmental in the sense of looking into their hearts or souls, instead, what IS necessary to do -- again, on a daily basis -- is to make decisions so we can function.  We discriminate and judge what a person does, or doesn't do, or what he/she says, or, in some instances, what they don't say when they should or must say something.  (Remember, that silence can be viewed as an affirmation of an act, or belief, or the written word.)

We discriminate on the "big things," like choosing who we want to pursue to be our spouse.  How many ladies did we "reject" in our minds before we found the right one?

We discriminate on the "little things" such as what to wear to fit a particular occasion; we reject choosing jeans if we're going to the opera.  We judge jeans to be inappropriate for such a formal outing.

If you or I were walking down Main Street, USA, and suddenly, a guy runs out of a bank with a smoking .45, holding a bag of the bank's money, would you go up to him with a smile on your face and say: have a nice day!   I think not.  Instead, you will make a judgement that he is an outlaw and dangerous to you, your family and the commonweal of society.  You are being judgmental; you have discriminated against the actions of this guy, and you did this for your safety and survival, and for those around you too.

Second, and here is the more, or most important aspect of discriminating and being judgmental: to figure out where to worship God; how to worship God; how to please God, and figuring out which direction you want your life to go in order to travel down the straight and narrow, and avoid the well-lit, four-lane highway that leads to perdition.   A path far too many non-discriminating, non-judgmental folks end up taking that leads to eternal ruin...

As I recently wrote, political correctness is damning, so too if we do not discriminate; if we are not judgmental, then we open ourselves up to following false gods; false ideologies, and errant thinking that can very easily cripple our daily thought processes so necessary to function in society.

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla


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