Sunday, January 17, 2021

Deep State Conspirators Surrounding Trump IN The White House!!

 But wait!  Are these the Demonrats in the Congress and the Senate?  If so, that would be nothing new.  But what if those deep state conspirators surrounding President Trump are Republicans betraying their party, their president, and, most importantly, their country?

I am now totally convinced that recent evidence presented to his staff, this past week, that was blown-off as if it were irrelevant, translates into a group of anti-Republic criminals who would like nothing more than to see President Trump removed from office, either by the so-called 25th Amendment, or by letting his time in office expire on the 20th of January, and to hell with any semblance of justice.   

Mr. Mike Lindell of "My Pillow," had incontrovertible evidence, from computer analysis, indicating that Mr. Trump garnered 79,000,000 votes on November 3rd, with Biden gathering only 68,000,000 popular votes.   President Trump won, not only the massive popular vote, but also an electoral landslide of over 300 votes.  He was desperately attempting to get that information to the president, but was given the runaround and eventually shown the door.  


If this evidence could ever get to the supreme court, it would be so overwhelming, that even the compromised Chief Justice, Roberts, would have to act.  At least that's what common sense would dictate...

So what is going on here?

Such incredible actions or, in this case, omissions, by keeping pertinent and critical evidence about election and voter fraud, on a magnitude never before seen in our country, borders on a coup d'etat right in the Oval Office of the President of the United States.  It also indicates that those responsible for hiding important evidence from Mr. Trump want nothing more than the status quo.  Such is the baseline of morality of these career politicians, unable or unwilling to do what is right.  Their lack of justice can be due to poor catechesis, or an upbringing by parents or guardians that cared little for their charges, especially in their formative years...

The bottom line: it is probably now too late to think that any good will ever come of this evidence, instead, those useful idiots, will, themselves, be shown the door when the baby-killing, anti-Christs take the reins of power on the 20th of January.  Heaven help any God-fearing, freedom-loving, pro-life American patriots when the likes of the compromised, corrupt, anti-life Biden and Harris steer the ship-of-state in the direction of a complete Socialist/Marxist agenda, sailing the Republic right into the hands of the Red Chinese Communists...

Biden has already promised to tear down the remains of the border wall; grant "amnesty" to over 22,000,000 illegals already in the U.S.  In addition, there is another huge caravan heading to the U.S. of over 7,000 and probably will grow to over 10,000 when it reaches our southern border.  Will the Mexican government attempt to stop this massive invasion of our country, or will it help these illegal aliens hop the fence just to get them out of their hair???

We will find out in very short order...  

My dear readers, I strongly suggest to read and re-read the Declaration of Independence, and know your Constitutional rights before they completely evaporate right before our eyes...

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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