Thursday, January 7, 2021

St. Michael The Archangel, Defend Us In The Battle That Is To Come (After January 20, 2021)..

 Do not delude yourself!  There will be a war against those who love God and country -- and those who defend the right of the pre-born to breathe air and live on earth for their appointed time, before they return to their Creator at the end of their world...

The time for being "nice," is now passed.

Those who will assume power on January 20, 2021, are the enemies of the human race.  That statement is not strong enough!  They are, in fact, in league with the father of lies, Satan -- the real enemy of the human race, and now, he has his minions in the form of Biden and Harris: baby killers par excellence, to carry out his diabolical plan to destroy that life at all costs, and by all means available, to a fallen, corrupt mankind.   

Satan hates the gift of life that is given to us by God almighty, and he uses his human co-conspirators to facilitate the mass slaughter of those precious, tiny, pre-born American citizens in the most barbaric of ways.

Satan has trapped or coerced those who support his plan into thinking that they are doing God's work, or upholding the "rights" of females to do what they want with their bodies, regardless of the cost to the human life they are carrying.  This twisted mindset is most prominent, it seems, in those who claim to be Catholic, and, in many ways, use their possessed intellect in an attempt to justify the killing of the innocents through Biblical and Church teachings!   

These baby killers are emboldened by a mostly silent, complicit hierarchy who refuse to admonish, let alone condemn, their words and actions in fostering an ongoing genocide, especially of our black American brothers and sisters.

I can't remember one, single, public ex-communication of the rabid pro-abortion, "Catholic" politicians, not one.  Just the opposite is true, where these murderers are given the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist when they attend Mass!   These false shepherds who say they won't use the Eucharist as a political statement or tool, will themselves be held accountable at their Particular Judgment for their lack of taking the proper action to correct these miscreants and bring them back to the fold.  It is important to know that those who procure or assist by legislation, an abortion, are automatically ex-communicated from the Catholic Church, whether they believe that or not...

With the false election of the Biden/Harris cabal, get ready to see a massive increase in funding for the abortion mills, i.e., "planned parenthood" and their ilk.  This will be trumpeted from the housetops as "progress" for the phony rights gained under the fraudulent 1973, Roe v Wade supreme court decision that "legalized" the killing of the pre-born.   As an aside, this was a massive attack on states' rights, much worse than Lincoln's destruction of the South in the war of northern aggression.   For all practical purposes, that horrendous decision wiped out nearly all the pro-life laws on the books of the states.  

Will we conservative, pro-life, God-fearing citizens continue to be "nice" when it comes to these Communist-loving, baby killers, or will we pray for strength and honor to fight the good fight to the end of the race, and win the crown of eternal life?  Appeasement and compromise haven't worked; they never have; the time for absolute civil disobedience is here and now!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

PS... as a reminder to those who do not know about Fr. Miguel Pro, he was a real Catholic priest who ministered to the Cristeros fighting the Communists/Masons in Mexico in the 1920s.  He was eventually captured and executed by firing squad.  There is an actual photo of the exact time the firing squad fired their weapons!  He stood without a blindfold; arms outstretched in the form of a cross.  A true martyr for Christ and His church... 

Gene DeLalla    

Saint Michael The Archangel, Defend Us In Battle....


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