Wednesday, July 7, 2021

100 Shot And 18 Killed (Murdered) In The War Zone Of "Mayor" Lightfoot's Chicago!

 The carnage in Chicago continues unabated...

The July 4th weekend celebrations turned into another shooting and murder spree in the third largest city in America: the war zone of "mayor" Lightfoot's Chicago...

Even the mainstream media in the "windy city," couldn't avoid the obvious, and both ABC and Fox reported very similar numbers, along with the Chicago Tribune and other reporting sources...

So, as you can see, these horrible and deadly numbers are not some right-wing conspiracy to make Chicago look bad, but emanate from the "boots on the ground": police as well as reporters, reporting the facts of the disaster of "mayor" Lightfoot's incompetence and malfeasance of office.  Yet this miscreant of a mayor remains in office!

How is this possible?

What "dirt" does she have on the city fathers, as well as state and local representatives, for her continuing at the helm, running the once-great City of Chicago into the ground, and making it more dangerous than the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Here's a look at the actual numbers -- of people, that is.  (And let's remember, too, that people are not statistics, but real lives lost or maimed forever!)

100 shot; 18 killed; among those wounded were at least a dozen children. None of them had died as of Tuesday morning, but at least three of the minors were in critical condition.

Some of the shooting victims were as young as 5 and 6 years old!

As of Monday, 1,613 shooting victims had been reported so far this year, police said. There have been 363 murders.

Of the victims, 194 kids have been shot year-to-date, and 25 have been killed!

This is only the beginning of the month of July... there are five more months for the numbers to mount, and set new, deadly records, in "mayor" Lightfoot's Chicago...

It is also important to note that "mayor" Lightfoot is a radical lesbian, liberal leftist, anti-Second Amendment loony, who penalizes law-abiding citizens, but her "crime-fighting policies" are dismal failures in stopping the ongoing street wars.  

This poor excuse of a female "mayor," consistently blames "white supremacists," "right-wingers," and those who support the right to keep and bears arms (2nd Amendment), for the bulk of the violence in her city, yet fails to mention that at least 98 percent of those shot and killed -- and those doing the killing -- are blacks!  


Of course there is the blame-game going on, with each entity refusing to name the real cause of the violence, or accepting responsibility for their actions -- or inactions, for that matter...

In the end, we see the results of the moral turpitude of a God-less, Christ-less society, brought on by a fatherless family, along with a weakened clergy, failing to admonish those on the brink of spiritual disaster, or afraid to call out sin from the pulpit...

But we have "separation of church and state," right?  (That grave error was rightly condemned by several great popes of the pre-conciliar era...)  So, is that what is stopping the clergy from doing their job: protecting their flocks from Satan and his minions?  I don't think so...

Our Lord tells us in the Bible that by their fruits you will know them... (St. Matthew, 7:16&20; King James Version.)  He also asked: when the Son of man returns, will He find faith on earth??  (St. Luke, 18:8; King James Version.)  Those truisms are being played out in spades, both in secular society, as well as in the church...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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