Friday, August 20, 2021

Another "Civil War" -- For States' Rights? And, Are The States The Line In The Sand Against The Complete Tyranny Of The Federal Government?

 It's beginning to look like the last line of defense against an out-of-control, centralized, behemoth, multi-tentacled federal government, is falling on the doorsteps of the states, as regards to the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, seemingly being completely ignored by that mad monster in D.C....

In fact, for far too many years now, the founding document of our Republic has been used and abused to the point of it becoming almost completely meaningless.   And because of this, the rights of states and its citizens have been, and continue to be, subjected to the radical agenda of those who actually hate the freedoms that were paid for in the blood, sweat, tears and treasure of our veterans, going back to the Revolutionary War... 

It is now obvious that when a state decides to defend its rights under their constitution, and apply those constitutional rights to their citizens, the federals don't like it one bit, and with the new anti-American regime in Washington, the so-called Department of Justice (DOJ) will, and continues to attempt, to overstep its bounds and stick their corrupt nose where it doesn't belong...

This is true, especially when it comes to the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms... 

The bad guys know that an armed citizenry is a much more difficult roadblock in their attempt to intimidate us, confiscate our weapons and turn law-abiding Americans into slaves under a Marxist "utopia"...

If one were to read a true history of the "Civil War," you might see that the real reason for that bloody confrontation, was not to "free the slaves," or to "preserve the Union," but to crush states' rights and make those states subservient to the dictates of Big Brother...  (If anyone wants to get a true handle of the reasons and the results of the "Civil War," I suggest reading Prof. Thomas Sowell's excellent take on that conflict...) 

But it is not only the Second Amendment that is at stake, no, it is the idea that government officials can force its citizenry to be vaccinated against their will.  We have on our side, the Natural Law, the 1947 Nuremberg Code, HIPPA, the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, not to mention 18 USC (U.S. Code) section 241 and 242 -- under color of law... 

It's really nobody's business what my medical history is, and I don't have to disclose that to anyone -- arbitrarily -- at the whim of some medical "authority," or anyone else... 

So, what is the ultimate goal of forcing everyone to do something against their better judgment; their rights?  Complete and total control of our lives... threatening us to comply or we lose our freedom to do business, or purchase goods and services, or even go to church!  That's the real purpose of this diabolical slice of baloney, plain and simple...

The idea of a redress of grievances is quickly disintegrating right before our eyes... So what is left when those elected to represent us fail to listen to us, and consider those loyal citizens to be the real threat to peace and security -- the real "terrorists" -- while letting the likes of Antifa and the so-called Black Lives Matter anarchists get away with real insurrection?    

The time is quickly approaching when we will have to make some very hard choices... It may well be that another Declaration of Independence will be issued by those patriots still willing and able to defend themselves and their families, as well as what is left of our Republic... God help us!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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