Friday, August 20, 2021

Why Is A "Booster Shot" Of The Covid "Vaccine" Being Pushed??

  First, here are some clichés: The icing on the cake; The straw that broke the camel's back; The final nail in the coffin; The devil is in the details, or, I told you so, or the many others that are in the lexicon; you can pick one, or come up with one yourself, for that matter...

With each passing day, more and more evidence is coming out about the harsh realities of getting -- even one! -- shot of the so-called Covid "vaccine," and the news isn't good.  In fact, there are so many vaccine injuries that the reporting system that is supposed to track such things, is falling way behind in posting the real numbers, not to mention actual lives lost from the blood-clotting, or gene-altering vehicles in that filthy poison.  

Consider: the number of "injuries" the last time I checked, were over 600,000, and deaths over 35,000... However, those numbers are admitted to be only one- to 10-percent of the actual numbers!  If one were to multiply the reported numbers by, say, five or 10 times, we would certainly have a real pandemic -- of mayhem and death -- on our hands!  And, you would think, the citizenry would outright revolt, but that's not happening.  Why?????

I said earlier that the system is "falling behind," but that would be too kind to those folks responsible for reporting those important statistics... Is it more accurate to say that someone is trying to hide the numbers from the public?   I know that's kind of a naïve question, but maybe that's what it has come down to in order not to panic an already "groomed" John Q. and Mary Public with lies and fear-mongering that has gone on for nearly two years, with no end in sight...   

The question begs: why the booster shot?  And why is there more talk about getting shot after shot every six months, or every year, forever? 

Could this all be leading to a successful program of the globalist, population control, anti-Christ freaks to de-populate the earth without firing a single shot from a so-called "assault rifle"? 

This is no conspiracy theory, just the opposite; those who want to make man in his own image, care little about trying to subvert our culture covertly, now, it is out in the open for all who have eyes to see, see!  These brazen savages are worse than the ancient Aztecs, offering human sacrifice to appease their gods... But now, the "god" they are more than willing to please -- and serve -- is none other than Satan; the father of lies and death...

Just listen to that incoherent traitor sitting in the White House, that is, when he isn't hiding from public view, running away from his responsibilities to the Americans he is supposed to be serving... And that's another thing; we don't serve the government, the government is supposed to serve us!  

In addition to the Marxist Biden regime, we have the Soros's of the world, along with past and present presidents, congressmen, senators, secretaries of state, et el, doing their dead level best to betray our country and cozy up to our mortal enemies, who just happen to be the enemies of God, too.  What these useful idiots don't seem to realize is that they are useful idiots, and if, and when the time actually comes that our Republic falls, they will be the first to be erased from the history books; the first to be sacrificed to the god of the state...

The so-called "pandemic" "came along" just in time for these maniacs to start the "great reset," with the help of the man that passes for the pope, sitting in the chair of St. Peter.  Remember, in 2018, an agreement was made with the assistance of the sexual pervert "cardinal" McCarrick, selling out the real Catholics in Communist Red China.  The brave lovers of Christ were then driven further underground, where they attempt to worship Christ, our Lord.  But it's gotten much worse, with the diabolical agreement with the commies to have them appoint "bishops" to the "Catholic Church"!!!!

As I've written many times before, all things are connected, whether in the secular realm or in the ecclesiastical realm, and, as the church goes, so goes society.  And that is why we are in a period of moral turpitude in our beloved country.  It will not get any better, at least not in the immediate future, before we go through a massive chastisement, duly deserved, I might add..

Continue to pray for strength and honor -- and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come...

Gene DeLalla


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