Sunday, August 29, 2021

So Be It...

  I'd like to preface this missive by writing that I am directing this to my Catholic friends, especially those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass (T.L.M.), but I think that any Catholic -- or non-Catholic  for that matter -- will gain some insight into what might be coming down the road, here, in our beloved country, when it comes to worshiping our good God as guaranteed in our First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution...

In recent weeks, there are strong indications, from a new motu proprio, speeches and letters, emanating from pope Bergoglio and his henchmen, that the cross-hairs are directly focused at the Traditional Latin Mass and those faithful laity who attend the Mass of the ages, either to restrict or "revise" the TLM into something less than traditional at best, or unrecognizable from the novus ordo at worst.

As some of my regular readers may know, nearly 54 years ago (December, 1967), I entered Vietnam in the middle of a war raging in that South East Asian country...  I was stationed at two air bases... at the first base, Tuy Hoa, located in the northern II Corps -- Vietnam was "divided" into four corps: I Corps, II Corps, III Corps, and IV Corps -- where a G.I. friend of mine, from California, helped our Irish priest set up the altar and assisted at the Mass.  It was a distinct privilege to do so...  I should note that the base chapel was used for the Catholic Mass, Protestant and Jewish services as well, as there was only one, small building for all the brothers to meet on Sunday or the Sabbath...

I have included some photos of Catholic priests performing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and giving out the Holy Eucharist to troops in the field, in some cases, right smack in the middle of a battlefield!  In fact, at least 16 chaplains; Catholic, Protestant, as wells as Rabbis, were killed during the war, with some dying while administering to troops during an ongoing battle.  The names of those chaplains are now displayed on "The Wall" in Washington, D.C...  (I might add that chaplains have been with our fighting men since 1775!)

It could be possible that in the not too distant future, we Catholics will be back in the catacombs as were our forefathers and foremothers during the monstrous persecutions by the pagan Roman Emperors in the early days of the church, up until about 325 or so... That is not to say that there weren't any further persecutions of the faithful, as we can see persecutions of Christians right up to our own day, not only in foreign lands, but also right here in the U.S. of A. by the Christ-haters, many of whom are apostate "Catholics"...

There was a song some years back with these words: "you don't know what you've got till it's gone..."  With each passing day, those words may come to fruition if we don't fight for the TLM regardless of what the faithless hierarchy may dictate.  The time for blind obedience is over, and those bishops, cardinals and popes better understand that we won't take it anymore!!!

(Notice that some of the troops are kneeling in the dirt, or shattered concrete from destroyed churches, and yet they knew that it was our Lord they were receiving -- on the tongue!  Unlike today, in some parishes, where the Holy Eucharist is treated like so much candy given in the unconsecrated hands of the laity -- many standing, instead of kneeling!!) 

The new catacombs?  So be it...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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