Saturday, August 14, 2021

Catholic Charities, Or "Catholic" Traitors?

  In wartime, treason is punishable by death, in most cases.

In "peacetime," treason should land a person or persons in federal prison for the rest of their natural lives.  

The current policies of the fraudulent Biden regime are outright treasonous, especially when we look at what is going on at the southern border: an invasion of illegal aliens, not only from Mexico, but also from numerous countries from around the world.  

So get the idea out of your heads that we are being invaded by Mexicans only, we are not.  In fact, many aliens are from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, as well as other third-world hell-holes, trying to escape from their miserable lands and experience freedoms that they never had... But there are others who are entering our country for much more sinister reasons... And I'm not just talking about talking jobs away from Americans, sure that's one reason, but what I'm concerned about -- and my readers should be very concerned too -- is that there are criminals and anarchists intent on doing their evil deeds once they get a foothold on our soil...

This has been proven time and time again.  As an example, during  President Trump's term in office, there were many "sting operations" that took place just below the radar screen, capturing and sending to jail or deporting brutal gang members, such as the deadly MS-13 murderous lunatics, as well as human smugglers, especially those who traffic in females that are eventually sold into sex slavery.  But you almost never heard of those successful operations directed by Mr. Trump, at least not from the mainstream Marxist lackeys doing everything they could to attack Trump and his accomplishments...

Today, the country is under siege by those faithful, not to the American people and the Constitution, but to our enemies from without, and from within!

The goal of these traitors is to transform -- reset? -- our way of life; our freedoms; our very human rights given to us by our Creator, and enshrined in the Natural Law, and morph our nation into a socialist, Marxist nation of slaves under the direct control of elitist bureaucrats, sucking the very life-blood out of our minds, hearts and souls.  Such a scenario is almost too gruesome to imagine... As in a nuclear war, those survivors will envy the dead... These traitors hate God and those who fear Him...  Simply stated, they serve Satan and his minions rather than their real Master, our Lord, Jesus...

So, what role does Catholic Charities play in all of this??

First, let me say that the handle "Catholic" is a misnomer, and should be removed from this organization, just as it should be removed from universities and colleges that label themselves as Catholic, but in reality, they are no such thing because of their direct opposition to authentic Catholic Church teaching on faith and morals... We have all heard the horror stories emanating from some of these institutions that make us cringe, especially fostering those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!  Let's call this for what it is: apostacy...

Second, the Catholic Charities organization are letting themselves be used -- as useful idiots -- unknowingly -- or knowingly? -- carrying out the plans of the traitors in the federal government and what they are trying to accomplish at the southern border and beyond. 

(As Judas betrayed our Lord with a kiss, so too have "Catholic" Charities betrayed all that is good for the sake of the evil one and his diabolical agenda...)


When I lived in Southern California, back in the late 1970s and early 80s, I used to go jogging quite often only a mile or two from the border with Mexico... On more than one occasion, I came across illegal aliens -- sometimes entire families -- scurrying through the brush and entering American soil... I also witnessed "coyotes" packing their vehicles with men, women and children and driving them into the interior of San Diego county and beyond... You would not believe the number of people that were crammed into those vehicles!  

Fast forward to very recently, when I saw a video of a Catholic Charities driver cramming uncountable children into his station wagon, and attempting to drive off... He was stopped by concerned citizens, afraid that these children would eventually be used and abused as so many are... This disgusting event is still going on by the so-called "Catholic Charities" and other entities guilty of betraying our country and doing the dirty work of the filthy traitors in the White House...

Don't ever donate a single penny to "Catholic" Charities!!!  Instead, donate to those priests and pastors who are loyal to America and true JUSTICE for all, not the phony egalitarianism being pushed by the modernist commies in the church -- and in our behemoth, federal bureaucracy, headed by a mentally deficient, Communist sympathizer...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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