Monday, August 16, 2021

Afghanistan Has Fallen!! Afghanistan Has Fallen!! Or, The Sky Is Falling?? Is The Sky Falling??

  Let me say right up front: Anyone who was in favor of going into Afghanistan 20 years ago, should have their heads examined to see if there was, or is, any grey matter left in the cranial cavity... 

Also, let us take a look at the main reason -- continually shouted from the housetops -- for invading another sovereign country: to get the "mastermind" of the 9/11 tragedy, Osama Bin Laden... You know, the guy living in a cave many thousands of miles from New York, yet he and his cronies trained, equipped and snuck the twenty or so Jihadists into our country to "successfully bring down the Twin Towers" in N.Y.C, accomplishing maneuvers that some experienced pilots claim were nearly impossible.  Not to mention the alert jets that were scrambled to intercept the errant aircraft, but were somehow diverted or told to "stand down."  In this country, it is the civilian government authorities that give the orders to the military, whether the military likes it or not, they have to obey, that is, up to a certain point...

Tons of articles and at least a book or two have been written about Obama getting Osama, that is, if you can believe the narrative of the leftist government lackeys; I don't... 

Does anyone remember "Osama's body" being disposed of at sea, without a single photograph to show to the American people that it was Osama??

What I do believe are the results of "9/11" and the aftermath: restriction and loss of our basic liberties -- all for what?? -- keeping us "secure"?   (Check out what Ben Franklin has to say about giving up liberties for "security".) 

Over the last couple of days, all the American blood, sweat, tears and treasure has gone all for naught, as the "pro-American" Afghan government has fallen to the Taliban bad guys... And, no, this is not the same as what occurred in Vietnam, and those who make such comparisons are grossly ignorant of the facts of that war and the way it was fought, especially of what went on behind the closed doors in the White House situation room... For a good book on the subject, I would recommend The Lost Mandate of Heaven, by Geoffrey D.T. Shaw...

(As an aside, just a couple of months after President Diem of South Vietnam, and his brother were assassinated, President Kennedy was assassinated.  All parties were Catholic!!  But that was just a coincidence, of course...)

The sky is not falling, at least not yet, but Afghanistan has fallen; was there ever any doubt that it would after we invaded that land?  I believe it was Alexander the Great that was strongly advised not to try to attempt to conquer Afghanistan; he took the advice and didn't.  But the Russians tried, back in the 1980s and were driven out... We could've taken the hint, but we didn't...

The military-industrial complex got what it wanted; the American people were the big losers, and we are not any safer than we were before "9/11," in fact, we are much less secure now, not because of any external threat, but threats from within our own country; that too was planned...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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