Monday, August 30, 2021

All The News You Are NOT Getting!

  How many know that 538 teachers in Mexico, who got the covid "vaccine," are now dead?  


Did you hear this on any mainstream media outlets, or newspapers?


How many know that the vaccine injury reporting organization is letting out only a tiny number of those who have been "injured" or died?

Few, if any, I'm sure...

How many know that the percentage of those "injured" or have died in the U.S. may be 5- to 10-times what is actually being reported?  

How many know that the CDC manipulates the numbers of those "injured" or have died, to the point that their numbers are almost meaningless, hiding the real numbers in order to keep the dumbed-down American populace thinking that the jab is "safe and effective"?   

As an example, take the numbers that the CDC reports, on a daily basis, those who have died from the flu.  How many know, that in a U.S. population of over 330,000,000, -- MILLION! -- the flu is almost non-existent, week, after week, after week???  

For instance, for the week ending on 8/21/21, only 4 -- that's four -- folks supposedly died from the flu!

One more thing... If one looks at footnotes one and five, for deaths supposedly due to covid, you will read the following:  Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

My friends, what we are dealing with here are liars and the enemies of freedom -- and life itself.  The days are quickly approaching when we will have to make some heavy decisions as to what we will do to protect our God-given rights, enshrined in the Natural Law.  We are fighting, not just men with a weakened, fallen nature, with a diabolical agenda, but also Satan himself and his human allies...  

Never give up!  Resist!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fe. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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