Thursday, August 26, 2021

Incredible In-Your-Face Hypocrisy, From The Apostate "Catholic" N. Pelosi!

 The following is an excerpt from an article in, written by the "Staff"... I will make my comments in "red."

“As you've heard me say when people ask me, what are the three most important issues facing the Congress, I always say the same thing: our children, our children, our children,” she said.  She lies, she lies, she lies!  This notorious apostate "Catholic," who, by the way, had five children with her husband, now fully supports that slaughter of the pre-born, and openly supports the killing machine known as "planned parenthood."

“Their health, [Health?  Except when they are torn apart for...?] their education, [There is not a chance in hell that a dismembered baby can be educated; they are dead.] the economic security of their families, a safe environment in which they can thrive [Thrive?  How can they if they are killed in the womb?] and a world at peace in which they can reach their fulfillment,” [There is no "fulfillment" for the aborted baby whose precious body parts are sold on the black market for profit.] Pelosi continued.

“When children come here to the Capitol, it is such an invigoration for us and an inspiration to us, because we are here for them,” [Filthy liar!  Your words betray your blackened, cold heart!] she said. “And, as I say to them, as you see the statues and monuments of those who went before, it is appropriate that we honor them. But they want us to honor you, the future of our country, to make it better for the children.” [Miserable hypocrite!  Statues?  Monuments?  Grave stones?  There are no statues for the murdered babies!  Not even a simple grave stone to remember them by!  Make our country better for the children?  Your twisted mind cannot even recognize good from evil, right from wrong; you are doing the work of the hater of the human race, Satan.  And, believe it or not, you, Mrs. Pelosi, will have to answer for your diabolical actions when you come face to face with all those dead babies -- and our Lord, at your Particular Judgment!  

Is it any wonder why our country is undergoing a massive chastisement?  We now have a baby-killer-in-chief holding the White House hostage... he and his cabal of Marxist, useful idiots, are trying their dead level best to get a deadly "vaccine" into the bodies of all Americans in order to hasten the sterility and death of a dumbed-down population willing to stick out their arms.  Their planned program of fear and panic has been wildly successful!  Wake up America, before it's too late...

Pray for strength and honor to resist these devils!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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